Stuff the mods remove

6  2017-11-26 by boring_oneliner


yeah the mods really are abhorrent, keeping things relevant and decent enough to keep the sub from getting shut down.

They removed stuff that wouldn't get the subreddit shut down and broke no site rules like my post. One of the mods is clearly retarded

yes thanks for repeating my point

im such an angry fuck, i projected my unprovoked hatred on your post. have a good day

What mod removed my post that was just a pic of Colin tweeted?

What faggots. It doesn't break any subreddit rules, and it's straight from Colin's Twitter.

What was that and is my computer infected?

because you dont know how to use the internet

I'm trying to learn, please don't make fun of me.

send me some nudes and ill see if i can help

From the waist up or the whole enchilada?

whatever you're comfortable with sweetie

That is way too much moderation. What the fuck are the mods doing? Like every other thread is deleted.

Did someone get drunk and go on a power trip last night?

I could respect that. Same thing I would do.

I mostly agree.

I don't really understand why my vastly underrated, yet entirely irrelevant to the sub "black people with Tourettes" posts never get removed.

You're high in the power rankings