Weekly Free-For-All Thread: November 26, 2017

0  2017-11-26 by AutoModerator

Feel free to use this thread for whatever you would like to discuss this week.

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Don't let the Jews keep you down.

Make sure you get blown BEFORE the Jacuzzi

I'm dating a Jew but I collect Nazi memorabilia. What do

My review of Brawl in Cell Block 99 -----> "it's ok"

Did they ever state why the guy who was a medical professional in abortion limb collecting was from NK?

I remember that being a part of it and thinking, how is that a detail that needed to be added?

He's a villain

Yea, I never quite got that.

That Thanksgiving meal went straight to my thighs.

It's supposed to go to your mouth lol

I'm running out of steam with these. Please just shut the fuck up.

im not in a 12 month dry spell because i have a functional addiction to porn

Have you upgraded to VR yet?

Have you tried microwaving and fucking a pumpkin yet?

Do therapists really work? I'm a walking disaster that gets off on making bad decisions so I'm thinking of going to one. In the very least maybe they prescribe me something that I can OD on.

Therapists cant write presccriptions.

Oh yeah. Psychiatrists can. I forgot.

If you just need to sort your shit out therapy is fine. But they can't do much for major mental ilnlness honestly.

I’ll take theRapist for $400 Alex

I've seen a therapist and done "brief interventions" in the mental health field. Therapy is a tool, but it's hardly a cure all. As u/Bams_seed said, it's not great for major mental illness.

I actually worked out a lot of my mental issues by joining online forums and writing down the things that were bugging me. I briefly had a therapist but to me, it felt like the therapist was basically getting paid to listen to me talk. People on forums aren't like that, if you're being a cunt, they'll tell you. Therapists have a vested interest in not pissing you off, because they get paid to talk to you. I think that's a big part of the reason that they're so non-confrontational and they're quick to recommend anti-depressants.

If you opt to take my advice, please use a pseudonym. I learned that the hard way.

If I was a therapist I wouldn't want to piss off the fucking psycho in my office either...

no. If it makes you feel any better ed kempers psychologist and therapist deemed him not harmful to anyone and "normal".

...and then he fucked severed heads

R.I.P. Charles Manson

Racists can make contracts

Thank you!

I was in another post that was submitted by faggot u/gallowboob and I politely explained how he's pathetic and I want his mother to die on thanksgiving. Coincidently a ton of my comments are downvoted rapidly and that cock smoker sends me a pm stating he forwarded my comment to the admins, like I give that much of a shit. So it looks like farewell boys. I will be banned again and not know where Rich Vos will be playing.

That's one of those there karma whores. He steals other people's posts and resubmits them as his own.

Like Reddit karma matters. Worthless internet points.

Sounds like a real fucking faggot


I havn't had a deep fried Mars bar for years, they're actually fuckin delicious! Done properly, they go warm & soft in the middle (not melted), & just a little crunch to the batter.

I have an old pumpkin sitting on my porch from Halloween. Part of me thought of picking it up and shotputting it simply to watch it smush.

Immediately afterwards, it reminded me of Lil Qaden Kuhn, making me realize how ruined my life and sense of humor is.

Best to just leave it till next year at this point.

Have you tried microwaving and fucking the pumpkin?

Chocolate milk made with Half and Half WILL give you the shits.

Icelandic tranny semen will do the same.

Joe Cumia,is not a pedophile.

My work is all but mandating Secret Santa. Fuck them. I'm tired of buying $10 Amazon cards for these people.

Cheap fuck

Yes I am.

Give everyone Viagra for Christmas. Who'll know?

Ah sweet! A $10 gift card!

Finally, I can purchase that hanger wire set I've always wanted

Hanger wire? You installin' lights for airplane storage or somethin'?

Fawkinnn scooping out baby mush or sumtin

While discussing Jimmy unfollowing everyone,Jim and Colin both say, multiple times, "Stopped unfollowing"

It bugs me way more than it should every time I hear it.

CuMMerIn EzpOzitO iZ A wuMan

Im still pumping out corn riddled logs

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Fa la la la la

I wouldn't mind sticking it in Miley Cyrus's butt

Yeah but only if that vile beast has a cork in her mouth

I just finished watching eyes wide shut and Nicole Kidman is overrated as fuck.

Not sure if you mean as an actress, or being good looking, but I would agree with either

I really fucking hate how she went about portraying smoking weed and being high.. I can't really even explain it, but she was slurring her words and acting like she just took some prescription pills with alcohol or something like that… It really bugs me and is mostly the reason I have never watch that movie again.

It was more over-the-top than anti-smoking ads from the 50s. By far his worst film

It was more over-the-top than anti-smoking ads from the 50s. By far his worst film

I do not care for all these usernames I don't recognize. Go away.

30 min ago I let my dad know how I feel he has been a let down and how he's failed my mom the last 20 years. Good times! Ps. And then I cried. But I did it alone since I'm not a gay. But then while being consoled by my mother. This must make me a faggot.

Oh well, off to dinner with said mom and dad. Should have the makings of turning into a barnburner, if that's a applicable saying.


Thank you!