Erock’s fancy shirt. PERFECT!

3  2017-11-26 by ghenghisJawn


Nobody that wasn’t a regular listener in 2013-2014 is going to understand this.


Is that when he thought he was going to be in a movie?

That is correct. And that movie sucked a diiiick.

When he thought he was going to be in a movie?

The best part of that whole bit was how hard lil Jimmy was laughing.

"Ya know what? I don't even think Chris is right for the lead.."

NO, he doesn’t need wardrobe! THAT SHIRT, ITS PERFECT!

Lights!! Camera!.....wait a minute.....who is that? His's perfect!!!

that clip is hilarious and it summerizes erock and sam’s career. eric takes a beating and sam actually does worm his ugly mug into the movie.

I've listened to this so many times. Fucking Ant with his megaphone always cracks me up.