Forbidden in heaven, bitches. Guess I'll see you in hell.

22  2017-11-26 by JoeCumiasCockBreath


Big Ray?

So cool and mysterious! I bet he has all kinds of edgy and original thoughts.

His edgy thoughts mostly are about Doritos.

He dips the nacho cheese doritos in the cool ranch dip because fuck your rules...

So heavy even the devil can't lift him.


Who is this?

Just some cunt I saw on twitter who reminded me of Big Jay.

I just assume he killed a bunch of people. I get all my news here.

Im happy you trimmed your neckbeard to remind us where your chin should be. kill yourself before diabetes does. big jay yuckerson. does your das not allow you to wear your fedora inside the house? show us your sword collection. which pony do you jerk off too? I can smell slim jim mountain dew breath thru the picture.forbidden in heaven, is heaven a buffet restaurant? In all seriousness, I dont want you to kill yourself, I actually cant wait to see you roll down the street ib a wheelchair because your legs had to get amputated you fucking zilch.

I don't think the queer in this picture is ever going to see that but I agree with the sentiments completely.

oh, this isnt you?

No. I do need to trim my beard though and by that I mean my girlfriend could stand to lose a few lbs.

Big Gay Oakerson

Pig Gay Oinkerson

Samoan Jack Black's got luscious hair

Delete this picture of me.

Guess I’ll see you at Taco Bell

You're gonna need to be more specific.

Are you talking to me, Big Jay or the chin-hoarder in that picture?

Forbidden in heaven, i guess I’ll see you at Taco Bell. Boo

I don't think the queer in this picture is ever going to see that but I agree with the sentiments completely.