Gail Bennington singing is douche chilling

15  2017-11-26 by dflorio

Go to Paul O's twitter.


She better be training for some kind of behind the scenes corporate radio gig right now. After Ron retires, there's no way anywhere outside of WFRT in Deadwood is hiring her based on her on-air talents.

I thought that show ended

I love it when Opie sings.

I'm thirsty. Thirsty for Opie's semen.

She ruined the thanksgiving show.Thanks Ron. Two cunts and a shoe.

She’s real bangable in person.

I highly doubt that.

Do ya?

Yes. She's a fatty fatty boombalatty. Ugly girls aren't worth their tits.

I gave her every chance because I love Ronnie B. But I just can't take it anymore. She is alot like Sam. She holds whatever liberal opinion is fashionable and expresses it in a hacky way and she barely adds anything. Sam is obsessed with wrestling, she is obsessed with drag queens. She can't be second mic, maybe she would work as a third mic, but in a limited capacity

Sam is a liberal Republican.

You misspelled literal retard

She's a fag hag.

A statement that will get you banned from /r/ronandfez

can't believe how shit that subreddit is, although Ron was never that fond of offensive comedy or calling people out

Well, you really fucked that one up.

Gail O was Paul O's wife.

nah you can call her whatever you want

just don't treat /r/ronandfez like /r/opieandanthonyjr and don't obsessively shitpost nonsense unless you can occasionally bring the humor

i wish we could get some of the funny people from here that know photoshop (sfw plz) or audacity that could be entertaining instead of the zzzzzzzzzzzzzz rejects like /u/Opesterino

You lost us at (sfw pls)



Go to Paul O's twitter.

erm, no thanks.

Fuck that karaoke shit. Maybe it's alright live I don't know, but why would anyone try listening to that on radio.

Anthony's favorite hour

Maybe im retarded but I don't see shit? Link me please

Couldn't find it on Paul O's twitter but found this clip

Anthony's favorite hour