Bill Burr is in Daddys Home 2

15  2017-11-26 by BrianGilgoresDJ

Got dragged to this trainwreck, but hes in the first few minutes. Its all downhill from here


I was seeing a girl (Jew) who's roommate is a reader at a well-known agency. One day he told me he caught "Daddy's Home" on TV and really enjoyed it. These are the gatekeepers of the entertainment world.

I cannot understand Mark Wahlberg's popularity. He was fine in the Fighter and a few other movies but the cocksucker was the highest paid actor in Hollywood this year and I don't fucking get it. I don't see anything about him that stands out.

they make the choices, we're just the tiny worm people who tunnel through the dirt of illusion

Because blinding a Vietnamese grocer is better than tugging your peckah on the casting couch.

That's definitely in his top 3 with "good vibrations"

Who among us hasn't beaten a Vietnamese grocer into blindness?

i love how we only give a shit about the white rapper ex-gang member who does that shit. thousands of successful coons have done far more racist shit. and no one on this fucking site whines about them

It's a joke, so get the fuck over yourself.

He's okay in non-comedic roles

Perhaps you missed his tour de force in The Happening

I like Mark Wahlberg a lot but what a brutal fucking movie.

I was rooting for the wind demon the whole movie.

Oscar worthy

He isn't really that good of an actor. Last film I saw him in he was actually alright in was The Gambler which was a pretty forgettable movie overall.

"Hello Exactly!"

Did you see The Departed?

He's great in that but it was a small role. Does it warrant being the top paid actor in Hollywood? It came out 10 years ago. He's the same Boston asshole in every movie. He stinks.

No, it doesn't

He was in Ted so they tapped into the family guy audience, also known as the ever elusive illiterate white woman and african american demographic.

He gets you to like him from the Fighter, than he dances on Ellen to get the ladies buying tickets.

Middle America loves him.

Even though he's apologized for the movie because he's super religious now, he was great in Boogie Nights. Also he's good in I Heart Huckabees, one of my favorite movies because I'm a fag.

He apologized for boogie nights? I love that movie, but yuck that's pretty gay.

Yea, like even if you're religious, it's just playing pretend. You weren't actually a porn star.

It wasn't even his dick!

but yuck that's pretty gay.

he's one decimal place under millionaire and its a film about porn you really think those hook nose kikes like Apatow aren't gunning for the director or the rest of the cast in that film. even the director/writer himself apologized for that film because his half negro half jew wife hates how "degrading it is to women".

If Walhburg didn't do that he would have ended up being accused of rape for making the women in the audience stare at his cock. and boom, no more film career. To survive the film business you have to stay one step ahead of the Juden. just ask Adam Sandler, Judd Apatow is a menace

But of course the cunt hasn't apologized to the vietnamize man he almost blinded. You know you suck as a human being when your brother who was in new kids on the block is cooler than you.

Gay Jews love that fsggot.

Just roll with it cause the first time a woman is the highest paid you'll be forced to celebrate it.

Probably because he is a producer on a lot of The Rock's stuff. It's like how JCVD is still making money off of Bloodsport.

A big part of it is his role in the Transformers. Those movies rake in crazy cash in Asia. They like animated octopus rape and robots in disguise -- real high culture stuff.


You forgot his bulging hot cock?...oh...wait...that was just a movie...nevermind

100% of that check going to bling, mimosas, and hair straightener.

Don't forget padding the g strings of male strippers

Is he still married to that big beefy nig-beast?

This is truly embarrassing that I did this but I leaned to my friend and said "that's Billy Burr" he looked at me with confusion.

Paying to watch "Daddys Home 2" is so embarrassing that anything you've done afterwards is irrelevant.

I wanted to see the train movie.

My wife is hilarious

looks down

If the movie were about Bill, it'd be called "Daddy's" Home

Burr has one line, i'm sure one of the pirates here can make a gif of it. its a pretty funny scene too. my problem with the film is that whenever those daughters are on screen i just imagine all the old hook nosed pedos they had to fuck to get this far in the film business.