Reminder: there are people older than 14 who think comics are legitimate philosophers

64  2017-11-26 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Someone out there genuinely believes Joe Rogan would be a good president.


Only other comics.

Us civilians wouldn't understand.

"Wait up!" That's what kids say. They don't say "wait", they say "Wait up! Hey, wait up!" 'Cause when you're little, your life is up. The future is up. Everything you want is up. "Wait up! Hold up! Shut up! Mom, I'll clean up! Let me stay up!" Parents of course are just the opposite. Everything is down. "Just calm down. Slow down. Come down here. Sit down. Put that down."

-Jerry Seinfeld

I guess Jerry watched Carlin in the 70s and 80s.

Yep. I wonder how many philosophers would make good comics. You've sparked my thought process tonight, sir.

Schopenhauer was a fawkin riot cuz

Just read his essay on women. It's hilarious !

Philosophers follow an idea until it fully flourishes and they’ve thought about it from every perspective and it’s impact. Comedians follow an idea right up until they find the joke, then it doesn’t have to make sense anymore as long as it’s keeping people laughing.

Anything profound said through comedy is gay and can be debunked with just a little scratching at the surface.

This footnote from J.L. Austin's Sense and Sensibilia has always elicited a chuckle from me:

"Suppose that tits, all the tits we've ever come across, are bearded, so that we're happy to say 'Tits are bearded'. Does this entail that what isn't bearded isn't a tit? Not really. For if beardless specimens are discovered in some newly explored territory, well, of course we weren't talking about them when we said that tits were bearded; we now have to think again, and recognize perhaps this new species of glabrous tits. Similarly, what we say nowadays about tits just doesn't refer at all to the prehistoric eo-tit, or to remote future tits, defeathered perhaps through some change of atmosphere."

lol, that reminds me; nerdy looking Rick Moranis did an amazing impression of Carlin and his hack bits on SCTV, it caused Carlin to have a mental breakdown. when Morranis heard he said Carlin should stop being such a little bitch. Rick has a shitload of stories about being fired from films too. He's like the old white version of Patrice. he got blacklisted in the mid 90s for pulling this shit.


Confirmation bias ass nigga.
My uncle would say "help me get it up" all the time.

fuck you all. Seinfeld has some great bits.

“Socrates, see if you can pull that up”

Socrates was the teacher, you fool. It would be Plato pulling stuff up.

Shut the fuck up.

The correct response.


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Legitimately thinking of- and calling anyone born after the 19th century a "philosopher" is one of the most pretentious, self-aggrandizing (ulgh) things you can do.

they still exist you probably not smart faggot

I didn't say they don't exist, I'm just saying that the people who've called themselves- or have been referred to as a philosopher since the beginning of the 20th century haven't said anything worthwhile or changed anything in the way of living life in the way that makes people better. A lot of people HAVE done that-- Ram Dass, Kahlil Gibran (I think he was from the 20th century, I could be wrong), Carl Jung, that LSD guy-- just nobody who's called themselves- or is generally referred to as a "philosopher". Philosophy's just become code for either "I shit on religion professionally" or "I'm pretentious and think I'm way more insightful than I actually am-- I also smoke a LOT of pot, 420 lol" (which is the camp Rogan and his fans belong to), and it's ruined using the term.

That Japanese guy who had the "herbivore men" theory and George Santanaya with his "those who can't remember the past are condemned to repeat it" are probably the only people who're generally thought of as legitimate philosophers that are good. Everyone else just repackages the old point that all the old philosophers made and calls it their view of the world, or shits on religion constantly. THAT'S what philosophy's become. It's like listening to any popular rap song that says nigger [so any popular rap song] and trying to act like the word has the same meaning it had during slavery and Jim Crow-- therefore, anyone who says nigger that isn't black is a slave-owner and racist, because it's exactly like it was then.

It's probably a mind blowing revelation to you, but not everyone spends their life watching MMA, drinking beer and shitposting about O&A. Some people still read books and wait for it ... even write them.

Shows how much you know, cuz' I don't drink beer.

So you don't know of any philosophers that lived from 1900 to 2017? No one rings a bell?

Norton Cumia 2018

Lol he has Cum in his name faggot.

& his mouth.

fawk ya and on his shirt too

Good bot

It would be Cumia Quinn, Jimmy is clearly going to be Ant's first ladyboy.

All comedians think they are philosophers.

Joe Rogan's pseudointellectual ramblings are akin to the thoughts of a 16 year old during his first shroom trip.

Carlin may have pioneered the jester-sophist persona, but Bill Hicks took it to another level of arrogance and condescension. Watch any of his sets, and you'll see what I mean. He clearly thought his stoner insights--"we are all ONE consciousness"--were so deeply profound that badgering his drunk, uninterested audience members with them was a kind of public service, and every smug, pontificating comic today can trace their lineage back to him.

Of course, if we're "all one," per the Law of Identity, we're all logically equal, ie, the same, which means I'm you, and you're me, and comics are civilians, and civilians are comics, and Denis Leary couldn't steal from Bill Hicks because he IS Hicks...

Maybe I just need to do more drugs before I can fully comprehend the insights of William Melvin Hicks.

Carlin may have pioneered the jester-sophist persona, but Bill Hicks took it to another level of arrogance and condescension. Watch any of his sets, and you'll see what I mean. He clearly thought his stoner insights--"we are all ONE consciousness"--were so deeply profound that badgering his drunk, uninterested audience members with them was a kind of public service, and every smug, pontificating comic today can trace their lineage back to him.

Of course, if we're "all one," per the Law of Identity, we're all logically equal, ie, the same, which means I'm you, and you're me, and comics are civilians, and civilians are comics, and Denis Leary couldn't steal from Bill Hicks because he IS Hicks...

Maybe I just need to do more drugs before I (as a civilian) can comprehend his insights.

to be fair, nowadays with the internet when you can see how many smug condescending athiests there are, of course Hick seems like a hack. But back when you only knew what people in your one horse town thought, it was really more thought provoking. even Stanhope, the modern day Hicks (with all that entails) said he mainly did stand-up on the road so those young guys in those rural areas might find out they weren't the only ones that thought this way.

a decade ago no one here probably though Hicks was such a hack.

Also at least when Leary did those bits he took away the arrogance and condescenion, he talked like a ranty guy at the bar, not some college education smug douche. thats why i prefer Leary over Hicks

Hicks worked in the early 90s, late 80s. He wasn't some soothsayer on the Lewis and Clark trail

you apparently realize how few people had conversations with people outside of their own county or have been outside the county lines of the place they lived all their life

I'm sketchy on my eastern philosophy, but the way I understand "we are all one" isn't necessarily a call to peace and harmony. It's a way of understanding nondualism. It's a state of consciousness where you no-longer have the sense of I.

I only two straight-forward interpretations I see are 1) all humans belong to some great collective--in which case they are still distinct parts of a greater whole and not "one"--or 2) they are all one and the same, and identical. (1) is vacuous, and (2) entails absurd conclusions, like Jimmy being identical with an HIV- heterosexual man the blond Norwegian tranny that gave him HIV being identical with a real woman. tl;dr: Hicks was a drug-addicted moron.

wow that's a special kind of retard

That's like the Advaita Vedanta school. They would still recognize distinctions in the maya though, they wouldn't go around saying a hamster is Donald Trump in our world of illusion. But if you break it down we're all Brahman in a sense.

If you actually dig around and find podcasts of people that knew hicks well back in the day and not this inflated cult hero for idiots to latch onto, he actually didn't believe anything he really said, he was just trying to be obscene and funny.

I respect that more

And his retarded, non-smokers die too bit is the worst. I quit. I'm still gonna die, but I'm gonna have an extra 20 years with my wife and kids. He drops dead of cancer at 32.


I have a theory that it's because people aren't going to church so much anymore.

Now I know that sounds like the kind of thing a larger black woman in her fifties who loves her kids would say, but hear me out. I think that a preacher is a necessary part of human life. It was a role fulfilled by fortune-tellers and shamans before that. Now that people are retreating from churches, they need a new source of spiritual guidance.

Comedians act superficially like preachers, in that they stand alone on a stage and make observations about the world. Lost people, desperate for guidance, mistake their wit and insight for genuine guidance, and grasp it.

I agree with what you're saying but you said it in a longwinded way so I'm going to give you "the business."

Go to hell guy.

I really did write it like a pontificating zilch. Why don't I guidance a shotgun to my mouth while I'm at it.

The worst thing about Church and church folk is the lack of candor about how arbitrary most of the beliefs are, and the busy-body trying to evangelize and get their fingers in other people's business. If you take those out of the equation, and there are tons of religious folk who have, surprisingly, it's an incredibly valuable and important element in people's lives, for those who choose to follow it. I'm not even religious at this time in my life, but constantly shitting on religion like it's this brilliant and noble pursuit is high school shit.

Ah please. Theyve done more harm than good. Not all people care enough about comedians to regard them as advisors in life. When did this sub become religion friendly?! Wtf is happening?!

People need meaning in their lives and for a time religion was the only source of that. God's not for comfy white folk in America, its for the former child soldier in Cameroon. We can bombard ourselves with distractions, others can't.

the difference is people know and recognize the problems with church, it's not like anyone can say the same for liberalism

thats what a lot of people have realized this decade. Peterson gives the best college educated reasons why, but pol realized it back a decade ago once the atheists youtubers became as whiny as those preachers themselves. plus you had people like Stewart that had the preacher/propogandist role but was able to use "I'm just a comedian" as a defense

tbf rogan is a very good salesman he basically created this whole mushroom magic brain pill industry

you must have forgotten which fanbase you are posting this on. Hint, Patrice.

People say it about Patrice all the time. The guy was funny, he wasn't "brilliant."

He was 'insightful' at times. He was insightful when it came to relations between men and women and whites and blacks. On other topics, he was a funnyman only

He was funny on men and women. And he had a great insight. But he was also totally reductive. And that's fine, he's a comedian. But he more and more tried to make himself into this sexual guru for men, but he lacked nuance. Nuance ain't funny at all, so I don't want a comedian to have it. But actual philosophers need to. Patrice was on his way in the same direction with that stuff as people like Jon Stuart and his wannabe copy cats, just with relationships, not politics. If you tried to argue with their points it would be, "they're just comedians, you dope!"

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