Opie's current delusional mind state

18  2017-11-25 by unclepaul84


Yes to all three,now what Einstein.

Now im bleeding money, living at the beach house in winter, and have no one to talk to on facebook live but my waiter.

  1. Go fishing everyday

  2. Write stuff in the sand

  3. Good luck

That exactly the motif EVERYONE ELSE adopted to get away from him.

I bet Opie is shitty at fishing too. That mug can’t do anything right.

Can you really pull giant stripers surf fishing on Long Island? He would take pictures of a new one like every other day. I’m pretty sure he was buying those from a market and posing with them. In fact I’d be willing to bet.

i really wish we could get some report on his situation with his wife and kids. imagine how much of an ice queen she has to be to send the message she wants him to fuck off, which he then has to reinterpret as 'enjoying time at the beach'

My old cunty roommate used to post these quotes on Facebook every time I gave her shit for not cleaning her dishes. Passive-aggressive bitch.

And dance like no one's watching... your tits.