The Walking Dead is getting stale.

1  2017-11-25 by King_Jezzzebleluukyn

Think they need some new characters.


Everyone's favorite zombie soap opera has always sucked, it the people still watching it longer to realize it.

That show's been garbage since season 2

Jumped the shark with Neegan. They should have tossed the comic book storyline like GOT did with that fat fuck author. Scott Gimple is ruining the show ... ah, it is ruined.

I hate this stupid show because it markets itself as this edgy, exciting zombie show when in reality it's a gay boring character driven drama with barely any fucking zombies or action

its a show for girls maybe season 1 wasn't

My friend watches it every week and unironically said it's probabaly one of his favorite shows of all time because they have something going with the zombie thing.

People other than girls actually like that shit

i gave that show too many chances, its all walking, girls feelings, people drssed like they are larpin for comical con and maybe 5 minutes of decent or bad action, wash rinse repeat next week

I gave up around season 5, the show has absolutely nothing going for it and season 2 was one of the worst seasons of television ever made.

I want Neegan and Rick to start a gay relationship.

Only if they turn Lucille into a strap on and use it on each other.

Sick of that silly cunt with the dreadlocks and his fucking speeches.

and yet I smile

Anyone who admits to still watching this show should be embarrassed, unless they're a teen girl who loves Daryl (majority of their audience)

This sub if Jim Florentine's brain manifested in website form. You can read every reply to this thread in his voice...

They all might as well say "Who likes zombies!? What are you five?"

Then a five second pause followed by a grunt of disgust.

Stopped watching it little bit after the Governor story arc. I remember everything just getting super drawn out to the point it became dull and obvious.

Boring ass weekly soap opera tbat takes forever to get to absolutely nowhere.

Garbage show

Group A has been overrun by Group B but Group C has secretly been in cahoots with Group A, setting up a big showdown. But there's a mole in the group! And watch out for the walkers, they bite!

It was never good. Only 19 year old "woke" college students enjoy this horseshit

Everyone has resigned themselves to hate-watch it out of habit. With Sunday night’s rich tradition of quality viewing options, I can’t fathom how anyone would settle for something so hopelessly mired in its downward spiral. Complete idiots and people with shit taste across the board are DEAD SET on seeing it through until the bitter end even though they know deep down the conclusion will be a total disaster.

It went to shit once Merle died

RIP my nigga T-DOG.

i gave that show too many chances, its all walking, girls feelings, people drssed like they are larpin for comical con and maybe 5 minutes of decent or bad action, wash rinse repeat next week

I gave up around season 5, the show has absolutely nothing going for it and season 2 was one of the worst seasons of television ever made.