McDonald’s, Ben & Jerry’s and 63 other food companies receive top scores for LGBTQ inclusivity

11  2017-11-24 by crookedmile


So they hire gays? Whoop dee fucking foo. I hate this earth. At least I can still go to Chik-fil-a knowing it pisses off those faggots.

I got upset when Chic-Fil-A stopped donating to that anti-gay group.

It looks as though you may have spelled "Chick-fil-A" incorrectly. No worries, it happens to the best of us!

There's AIDS in my waffle fries now.


I knew Burger King would have a high rating too

Their hot dogs taste like shit

If have experienced the taste of a BK hotdog, you really need to rethink your life choices

This article makes me want to go gay bashing

Taco Bell scores high with dykes.

So does Arby's

That’s how Chipotle’s got Hep C started


Oh look, companies that employ not only millions but zero-skill work have a few fags in the mix. Get them a medal.

So what you're telling me is the "Secret Sauce" is AIDS?

I'll have a side order of mental illness with my burger.

*Mcdonalds has BLT's now?! like every once in a while like mcrib?

Yes, because the protected groups throw such large hissy fits that most corporations want to avoid listening to their spastic wailings.

If have experienced the taste of a BK hotdog, you really need to rethink your life choices