"Aren't women boring" - Patrice O'Neal

45  2017-11-24 by Ant_Sucks


This is what the jew broads in ny look like before their father gets them a nose job

isnt using hurtful words part of being a comedian, bitch if you want to lecture us start a podcast not comedy

"We live in a post-joke world."

They can all they want. Thank fuckin god for the Internet.

Imagine we only had controlled TV, which is always dominated by the left. We'd be talking about the death of comedy and fun. For real.

women ARE funny

Women are only funny when being raped

How are there so many unfunny people who get linked here and they all say they're comics? What does that word mean to people anymore?

And have blue Checks


They think it means a brilliant philosopher who occasionally makes a joke.

Seriously. They all have Carlin-itis. People like him were the exception.

If youre a smug fuck thats how you see comedy.

Isn't this the broad that was on some red carpet thing with Norm? She and some street shitter were doing their hacky shit and seemed upset that Norm was doing his thing and being funny.

Oh and of course she's one of (((then))).

Yep, same annoying cunt. She's like the even less funny and more ugly third sister of those insufferable hipster jew cunts from Broad City.

No mention of how it's mostly her people that has been molesting women? Nobody has made that fucking super obvious connection except for Larry David live on SNL to a cringing audience, Larry David does not give a fuck

"Enough of the fuckin jokes..." Norm was amazing

This is why they don't let you or faggots at the Cellar table you dumb cunt.

Bolshevik women from the east and west coast have a horrendously over represented voice in our culture and media. They are a true cancer to noble people and countries of virtue. They hen-peck their own men into sheepish cowards who prey on the weakest.

The degenerate propaganda of the Americam Bolshevik women is one of our biggest issues not discussed. These hive-minded parasites relish in everything obscene and disgusting.

Reminder: The tree of liberty is watered with the blood of tyrants and patriots.

They hen-peck their own men

Note the 'shush' at the end. Like she's talking to children.

For real, when did comedians stop trying to be funny? It's an epidemic.

when millennials saw stand-up as a platform for proselytizing.

I truly hope Jon Stewart's kids all end up killed by immigrants him and the rest of the daily show alumni

Majority of comedians always sucked, now they just all use social media heavily

Jon Stewart skewing republicans for all of the 2000s made people think just acting smug is all you need to be hilarious.

God damn Jon Stewart used to be funny. Not even he can cut it anymore.

Women are hilarious. My girlfriend is so funny. She makes me laugh all the time.

aprhaaaal faallllsss

[Ron Bennington had a whole segment once[(https://youtu.be/MwvwmLhgLqY) where he claimed men could not have other male friends because women were much better. His whole show never once had a funny women as part of the cast - I just can't believe that Ron believes that women are funnier and more interesting as a rule.


I guess when you have a radio show you have to come up with new talking points, but come on!

He was calling people homos

don't matter what you say darling just keep that body tight

these hollywood types sure love to give speeches.

Women are funniest when you have a chance to fuck them.

The only time I laugh my balls of to a chick is when they are gonna a be on her nose later on.

Is that nose suppose to be comically more funny then the awful one she ready has?

Oh yay, more comics who think they need to "say something".

Make us laugh, you pricks.

But she smokes weed dudepeople that smoke weed are always smart and funny.

Once there's a critical mass of women in places of high power, society is going to be very, very boring

These crazy broads tasted blood in the great third shoah of Hollywood they come up with these demands.

politics aside, Jenny Slate is my jewfu

I would bang this Shylock until the cows came home, if I may be so bold

More like Jenny Quartzite or sumptin tssss

Yep, same annoying cunt. She's like the even less funny and more ugly third sister of those insufferable hipster jew cunts from Broad City.

No mention of how it's mostly her people that has been molesting women? Nobody has made that fucking super obvious connection except for Larry David live on SNL to a cringing audience, Larry David does not give a fuck

"Enough of the fuckin jokes..." Norm was amazing