Yimmy, the "bi-sexual" arthropod, with a great line yesterday at the Bennington Thanksgiving show

34  2017-11-24 by A_Friendly_Creeper

Jimmy, when referring to the empty seat next to Ant (Artie's late of course) as he approaches the stage after introduction:

"Ah, the empty seat, still better than what we were used to"

I dunno, I laffed.


I didn't hear it, but thats FAWKING on him and them, not ME. I'm just living my life in fawkin awesome ways....

looootta problems in that room to be completely honest with ya

Ha Ha Ha HOLY Shit!

I really hope they ope their eyes and see the big picture, so sad. I'm living my life

I can't help but read these in his voice, and it's infuriating.

He isn't an arthropod he is an annelid. Get your taxonomy right you nerd.

Anthony and Jimmy are jealous Opie has a family.

Hahaha yeah ... jealous. it is strange to think Jimmy now likes the idea of a family. Im sure he'd be a great Dad. Could you imagine a dad with advice like his? "you have 1 new hologramessage" "Hey Jim jr., its Chip, I heard you talking about ladies of the evening and I just, I think everything is falling into place, Dr. Phil's son Jay said as long as you take your preventalin you dont need to wear bags, you've got that grindr app, I just think, stop liking my profile. Anyway I dont mean to pry but im taking special licence because I'm your mother haha - ahhh just a lil joke there, ahhh I'll see you at thanksgiving."

Yes they envy someone raising another man's kids

he's not a crab nigga

Ha Ha Ha HOLY Shit!

Hahaha yeah ... jealous. it is strange to think Jimmy now likes the idea of a family. Im sure he'd be a great Dad. Could you imagine a dad with advice like his? "you have 1 new hologramessage" "Hey Jim jr., its Chip, I heard you talking about ladies of the evening and I just, I think everything is falling into place, Dr. Phil's son Jay said as long as you take your preventalin you dont need to wear bags, you've got that grindr app, I just think, stop liking my profile. Anyway I dont mean to pry but im taking special licence because I'm your mother haha - ahhh just a lil joke there, ahhh I'll see you at thanksgiving."

Yes they envy someone raising another man's kids