Anthony Cumia Retweeted This Gem

45  2017-11-24 by smelter250


I guess we should be expecting another 24hrs of Stuttering John insults before he says he's going to ignore it.

How do you, as a man in your mid 50's, go after someone's teenage daughter? Ant is literally scum. I love his comedy but he's one of the biggest low lifes I've ever encountered.

Ant and his brother said we are scum for making fun of family and then he does the same thing. Further proving he's a pos hypocrite with no self awareness.

shocking, a ‘shock jock’ who says “shocking things” for attention is a pos

hello snowway

I actually like Ant but I don’t know why people expect him to be a “good person”. I listen to him for laughs not because he is moral.

we talk pretty openly about our own flaws so I don't know why Ant's would be off the table. most of us are criminals, or gay, or addicted to drugs, or british and none of those are laudable things.

Pedophilia is more than a personality quirk.

Lets definitely go to him, he's been on hold for 17 hours.

Pos as in hiv positive

Are you saying certain things are off limits to comedy?

It's not like they're directly attacking the girl/man/girl, he's tweeting at her dad to piss him off. Intention/context matters.

I don't think anything is off limits but that doesn't mean i need to like everything either. This feels scummy to me but I'm not gonna go try to get a hashtag trending about it. There's a middle ground

By "go after", do you mean "make fun of" or "date"?

In this case, both.

It was either tease her for her brown skin or date her for her white skin

He is a ghoulish creature

It's funny that after hours of ragging on Stuttering John's tendency to make things too personal, Ant would drop an atomic bomb like that.

How can you be such a fag? It's also John's mentally ill son, not his ''daughter''

I thought he had a daughter that turned into a guy. Are you telling me he has a daughter that turned into his son and a son that turned into his daughter? So he still just has a son and a daughter but they just kinda switched?

I think his older daughter turned into a guy named Knight. And the younger one is a lesbian.

What in the fuck? Knight????

If John didn't want his kid to be a potential target, he shouldn't have put her on his public social media while publicly attacking famous comics. But he's a pathetic, talentless has-been that no one cares about, so he put her picture on the internet so everyone would go, "Awwwww...what a swell guy John is - he loves his kid!" It was self-serving, and if anyone is to blame for this, John is. John should be grateful for the attention, since he has no other discernible skill except for being the butt of other people's jokes.

I enjoy how its okay for Ant to attack families but not us.

Well, he doesn't treat human cruelty like a game. To him it's promotion.

Genuine human cruelty like a video game at that

of course it’s ok. you should’ve never took that “listeners going too far” shit seriously. it was always hypocritical. they mercilessly insulted random people all the time, but they’re going to draw a line when it comes to family members? fat terry clifford was bashed relentlessly. she’s someones fat mom, too. the idea that stupid gregg hughes is going to be our moral compass and let us know what is and isn’t off limits is a joke.

What's his end game?


This sub has to be seen to be believed. Yesterday you assholes were shitting on Stuttering John and basically on Ant’s side. Now today you think Ant is a lowlife. What does tomorrow have in store?

bob kelly whale posts

Hey Ant.

you do realize that this "sub" consists of hundreds of people with separate opinions, right? And for the record I hate Stuttering John also.

You understand that if two assholes argue, they're still both assholes, right?

We haven't gone after Matarese in a while...

That’s what I’ve been thinking

Nobody is on stupid John's side...

Probably another reenactment gif of a Vizio soundbar and child being launched through a windshield.

Is that a real human on the left?

The one on the left is every Bolshevik feminist living in NYC and writting blogs for huff po

Anthony was saying that John was important to the Stern show when he started appearing on the Compound. Just because Artie fights with John, Anthony hates him?

You can only call a man pock face pedophile so many times before he blows up. It'll all blow over and Ant will be dating Johns tranny kid.

John, on Wednesday, said that if Ant ever did this again, there'd be repurcussions.

Namely, suing him and coming to his home to "beat the living shit out of him."

Well, although a retweet, I think this more than qualifies as "did this again".

I was suspicious in the beginning, but now I know for certain:

this is a bit.