Luis put a disabled comic on Roast Masters, With Ari and Big Jay as judges...

30  2017-11-23 by Ant_Sucks


"chris you human tetris peice."


so what if dave smith was on?

"Chris is Cuban, which proves not all their immigrants swam to this country" was probably the best line in this

Luis' look realizing how stupid what he is doing while he is doing it is perfect.

Did Opie get a new gig working the sound board at that place?

"Chris' father left when he was a kid, it's a shame he never got a chance to see you become a full grown cactus"

Hand retard

That was funny but Ari Shaffir was annoying.

I thought the timing on his "oh shit I just noticed his arms" was pretty good. Maybe the sheer meanness of it is what I found funny IDK.

Maybe it's just my anti-semitism kicking in.

It is hard to ignore the insane amount of jewishness, especially if you can see him as well.

In all seriousness, can you think of a more stereotypical looking jew on earth? I think he takes the cake.

Also, this is pretty funny.

Some jew brought hummus to this party once and he was the most despicable looking heeb I've ever seen. I wasn't really antisemitic before meeting him but seeing his rat-like features gave me a visceral reaction of wanting to kill it. I finally understood what all the fuss was about. He looked like Ari but his eyes were more beady, he was hairy, and his nose was even bigger. Good hummus though.

Ari gets a pass for enraging real jews in the amazing racist

They're all actors by the way. It's not real.

That's what the caliphate wants you to believe

Enraging? Do you always mimic lil Jimmys phrases or just today?

Are you such an idiot that "enraging" is some exotic vocabulary?

Chris was also on one of the Bennington Comedy 101 shows, with Ant, East Side Dave, and Pat Dixon:

Matt Maran looks like if Big Jay and Nick Mullen had an ass baby.

The 3/5ths joke wasn't bad.

It is hard to ignore the insane amount of jewishness, especially if you can see him as well.

Ari gets a pass for enraging real jews in the amazing racist