Does Jim even visit his family on Thanksgiving?

8  2017-11-23 by TinKnockinMoroccan

Or is it turkey chili and edging like every other Thursday?


Turkey chilli? Nigger is you crazy? That shit is packed with protein, salt, organic molecules, water, and baryonic matter, none of which Jimmy will allow himself to eat, because he wants to live a long and healthy life. Now if you’ll excuse him, he’d like to have unprotected anal sex with an HIV+ man.

Chicken broth with a side of Prep on this special day!

There's only one type of stuffing on the menu for Jimmy today

Cock, right? Guy who has to explain the joke.

Guy who gets downvoted

Not the worst thing that can happen in this shithole.

You could unintentionally kill your child, or publically deny the transsexual love of your life. Or go on a fake court tv show and thrice deny being a paedophile. Or be Opie. Or Sherrod. Etc.

Or be British. Faggot.

Okay. Lukewarm turkey broth sipped out of a Norwegians asshole.

Negative. Alena ate lutefisk lately, which has salt, which as we all know is a stimulant and will prevent you from sleeping (I'm not making that up, Jimmy actually believes salt is a stimulant.)

I'm afraid Jimmy's only choice is to starve to death. You know, in order to remain healthy.

How can he complain about salt when he drinks cum?


he said he was gonna try to see the 'rents this thanksgiving.


Yes, he’s performing in SF tomorrow. I’ll be there

i thought he goes to bobby or sams house

He's feasting with Delores.