I'm out of the US for T-Giv again, enjoy your dumb families and may your political ideologies conflict.

0  2017-11-23 by axeheadroad


You lucky cunt. The fight with my girlfriend has already begun, I've cut her family to shreds and said that I'd rather my cancer stricken mother die than come over and be around her obese slob family. Additionally, the turkey isn't completely thawed and her fucking dog just shit on the floor.


What kinda White trash is this? Where is her family from? Can't you just get hammered and pass the day lurching about?

Obese French Canadians of the "when the going gets tough, GTFO" mindset. The mom is easily 400 lbs. The brother pulled a gun on another kid when he was 12 and barely speaks. Dad is a banker and cover band bassist. I'll most likely get shitfaced and be out by 7 p.m.

Hope it's working out for you man.

Should tell her dad about that hot cover band 2U.

When you hate the family but look forward to a decent meal only to be disappointed on bother ends sucks.

I wish I wasn’t here. Where are you?


I'm outside the US as well, but I made a Turkey dinner in commemoration and respect and honor of my adopted country. Goddamn, do I miss NYC during the holidays, though.


No. I'm a Spaniard, but came over as a wee lad. I was one of these ungrateful, smug Europeans, who fancied myself more cultured than my adopted countrymen, a period I look back on now with intense disgust at myself and rabid self-loathing. The older I got the more I realized how blessed I was to have been a part of the greatest nation in the world, I won't badmouth America ever again.

My gf is here for New Zealand and she doesn’t know shit about thanksgiving.

Maori? I fucking love Maori girls. The thick but not fat ones anyway.

Yea but shes skinny w big titts.