Why are Somoan people always so goddamn happy?

8  2017-11-23 by condom_cracker28


Eating the human heart raw and still beating cures depression.

Cause they can beat everyone they meet in a fight.

Not diabetes. That's for fucking sure.

The constantly eat and live in paradise.

Yeah I think you nailed it

They’re idiots, they don’t know any better.

From what I've seen growing up in Hawaii, It's either: 1. Food. If a drug could reproduce the pure joy of a Samoan preparing and eating barbecued meats, science could permanently wipe out depression. 2. Confidence resulting from each being born with the strength of 3+ white devils and an inherent comfort with physical violence. (Note: school gets weird when the special ed kids are also the bullies.) 3. Being closer in proximity to the realities of poverty promotes gratitude. 4. Knowledge of their secret monopoly over the bouncer Industry. 5. They've developed a performed happiness which truly disarms nervous white people.

Big dick and small brain. They are just volcano niggers.

They are mongoloid retard faggots who don't possess the mental acuity to rise above their savage, cave-dwelling roots. All they know is base activities: fight, fuck, eat, shit. They can't be respected because they fear things like the sun, volcanoes, education, and basic hygiene. Just think of them as fat Island niggers

This has been Observations from the 19th century. Tune in next week as we examine why Irish papists are unfit for the civil service.

Italians: are they niggers? The answer may surprise you.

They don't have anything to worry about-jobs, taking care of their children, etc

I knew a Samoan guy who was 6'5 250lbs when he was 17. He used to routinely eat 2 whole roast chickens for dinner. They're fucking beasts.

Same, except I'm a foot shorter and a decade older.

Its their religion if they are not happy all the time one of their jungle bunny gods will bring a typhoon

Because they are fucking stupid.

You would be happy to,if your knuckles touched the ground standing up.

Not diabetes. That's for fucking sure.