How is everybody's Thanksgiving Eve going?

5  2017-11-23 by DoubleGunsSockCucka

I'm getting hammered of Triple IPA's and watching The Great Wall


shitty. i jerked off 3 times already and my dick is chafing way too early.

Fuck the gravy boat. It's the only way to be sure.

Don’t let that stop you.

I’m too drunk to stand.

Trying not to jerk off, so I can consume food like a god damned animal. It's important to keep your manly essence intact before gorging.

Why does jerking off determine how much food you can eat?

Got in fight. Got ride home from police. Bad.

It was nice of Gordon, Andy, and Stewart to give you a ride home. tss

Lonely, drunk, and desperately fighting the urge of ending it all.

Thanksgiving is no day to fight. Just do it

Atleast you would be giving thexrest of us something to be thankful for.