Why is this black dude painting a pic of Sam in downtown Cleveland?

44  2017-11-23 by lordofallshit


Is it February already?

watchin nets cavs over warriors thunder? wack

Im watching both but im in cleveland so im biased

Because its shit hole Cleveland. The Browns represent this loser city best after playing 26 games and having 1-25 record

It is awful here, but at least we have the Cavs

A mix of Sam and Club Soda Kenny

If you provided this description and someone painted this exact image, I would say that was an accurate depiction. Uncanny.

And why is Sam wearing Will Ferell's elf jacket.

Once you see that signature "i'm peacin'-the-fuck-away-from-your-face" hairline you can't unsee it.

Fitting he has semen dripping from the corner of his month

No no no. That's will ferrel

that pervert art style. I bet he's painted lots of dicks beating on oddly shaded asses.

Because that’s Sam’s dad and after years of niggery he’s decided to find his son and possibly the white bitch he banged in order to make amends.