Where we at with the Whitest Kids U Know?

10  2017-11-22 by Single_Action_Army


They had a few funny sketches but I was in high school when I saw them.

They stink and I don't like 'em!


Show had some pretty funny sketches, but I absolutely despise the name "Whitest Kids You Know."

race war! Didn't we talk about wantn' to do that?

Fawkin hilarious babe

Had their moments.

They are fucking great.

What ever happened to those fags? I guess they were kicked out of showbiz because its 2017 and WAAAH WAAAHHH TOO MANY WHITE BROS!!!!

I liked it when I was younger but I can't tell if it was because I was an edgy little queer with bad taste

Hit or miss

Civil war on drugs was FAAAAAAAWWWWKING hysterical, sniff

The dead parents skit were they green screened in the black guy, genius

Also civil war on drugs