Who is the most normal?

8  2017-11-22 by ElectricHellKnight

I'm sure this has been asked before, but if we can do the same Bob Kelly bit 200 times I think I can get away with one repost.

Of the three, which one is the most human?

Jim is a perverted and obsessive little worm who will openly brag (lie?) about hookers shitting on his chest, but gets upset if someone sneezes in his car. He won't dare date a woman over 30 but he will pay a Nordic man in panties to call him "boyfriend" over Skype.

Anthony is a bitter and lonely (possibly bisexual) man who spends thousands on his granny hair but refuses to dress like an adult. He also hates blacks despite mimicking the very behavior he despises.

Opie is a confused failure of a human being whose only friends he must offer money or exposure (and he can't even give the latter anymore). He's hated or pitied by nearly everyone he's worked with and also his former fans. And he was fired for filming an obese male co-worker taking a dump at the office.



I know a bunch of Anthonys so I'll say him.

hate to say it, but Opester.

The Honorable Dennis "Denny" Falcone.


For Opie you forgot compulsive liar, ship sinker, and disgusting slob who shits on beaches, eats boogers, and wipes piss off the toilet with the sock he's wearing.

To list every negative trait that any of the three represent would take a lifetime.

Ant. He's long island trash living exactly like long island trash would if they had millions

anthony is the fairest representation of this sub, minus the money.

anthony for sure

Jim is the only one I’d consider possibly hanging out with, the other 2 I wouldn’t be caught dead hanging with them. So, I’d say Jimmy is the most normal even with his tranny prostitutes, at least he’s not in his Long Island basement drunk singing karaoke while obsessing about black people.

It’s fun to needle him about it but Anthony isn’t actually gay. Let’s have some perspective.

Anthony. He's just trash. Not much more normal and common that trash.

Opie is sadly the most normal. The reason he's so pathetic is that he's trying to regain a position and status that he never deserved in the first place. He's just a normal boring guy. Kind of sad

I'd say Opie just because he is boring and fake. Most people are boring and fake, so that makes him somewhat normal.

Anthony the most normal. Opie is autistic, Jim's perversions put him slightly below normal, they both have anxiety issues but Ant drinks his away which is way more normal than Jim pretending he's honest about what a neurotic freak he is.