Johns ammunition

4  2017-11-22 by edfromla

He’s black

He beats up retards

Tranny fucking

pussy posts on reddit when he was called out,

being an old guy who dates girls 30 years younger,

horrible pocked marked face,

hair plugs,

got bitch slapped and fired over it,

pedo retard brother, smoked drugs with his mom,

bragged about his brother stealing ivory pistol grips

and beating a lie detector,

the periscope videos of him biting and looking for guns while he lies to the cops.

Anything I’m missing?


He won't hit the Sue stuff due to his daughter-son. And he said yesterday Joe is nice to him so he's not going to say anything bad about him.

John kid think it's a girl.

Case closed.

He's half black.

He beats up a retard

It has the atmosphere of a snuff film

So he’s an old ugly millionaire who likes young pussy and/or cock

He has literally nothing on Ant. He doesn't even know basic shit.

Stuttering Asshole,grab ya fuckin papoose and go to a meeting.