Denny no showed the chip podacast

63  2017-11-22 by Dennyislife

Jim is pissed at him.

Jim is going to lose.


Denny is the man. Fuck Jim

Meanwhile Mary Jean no shows and comes in an hour later and he thinks it's adorable behavior and has her on as much as he can.

Has a pussy. A rank, vile, cum drench pussy

But Jim likes big Icelandic cocks.

Yeah but who doesn't?

more like Icelandicks am i right gang

Vury good.

Yea, but anything drenched in cum is a close second.

Just how I like it.

I wish she'd always no show.

Our Pisslord is the real man behind the O&A curtain. A puppet master with his marionettes.

You ever hear Ronnie B. say a bad word about Denny?



Shit, that's a good point.

Ronnie B. knows what's what.


Exactly. He knows what "what" is.

He wouldn't dare.

Ron doesn't say a bad word about anybody. He would endorse the holocaust if someone paid him enough

Ron doesn't say a bad word about anybody, he would endorse lowering the age of consent to 3 if someone paid him

a marionette without strings is just a doll held by a pissy-eyed faggots (just ask Anth's dad)... & maybe that's a metaphor for the J&S show.

Will worm unfollow him on Twitter or go silent when he comes into study, DL style. Both very manly tactics.

I don't know man, it's a tough one


He can be such a passive agressive bitch. He likes and dislikes entertainers based on if they have done something for him or not so his opinion means nothing.

he maintained that he thought NIN were a bad band when the topic came up in relation to his fanaticism with mainstream rock music. at one point he said something like "you know my gf at the time said i would be hotter if i looked like trent reznor, so fuck him"

🤣 aww poor boy

Denny’s a fuckin’ problem

What'd Jimmy say to make you think he's pissed at him? I'm curious.

I don't fully remember so shall not misquote. It was obvious and direct though.

Fair enough. I'm going to assume he's not mad, just annoyed. Jim has said the Chip podcast is the biggest thing in his life right now so he's just being a control freak.

did we not notice how Ari said he had "jury duty" then said he "had a date"? He was fucking with jim, not even trying to hide it. At first jim went serious like 'oh jury duty i guess you cant really get out of that.' it's like, jim, he's doing a polite lie, don't make it worse.

The full quotes.

Jim: By the way, Dennys was supposed to be on Chip, but he didn't come. I kept texting him, he writes me back at 6:07 and told me he had to do some sort of family thing.

Travis: No he doesn't.

Jim: The thing was he didn't tell me until almost 10 after 6.

Sam: He was flaking out.

Jim: I know.

Sam: He wasn't going to do it. He didn't want to go to the studio and do it.

Jim: I know. It's fine if you don't, but don't tell me less than 20 minutes before the show!

Travis: Do you wanna talk to him.

Jim: (passive aggressive Jim voice) No.

Travis: Okay.

Sam: I don't get it. You treat that guy like a king. When he comes on the morning show you always make him feel like a million bucks.

Jim: I don't care if he didn't want to do the show. But don't text me back at 6:07 for a 6:30 show.

Sam: Because what can you do? You can't get a guest in 20 minutes.

Jim: But I had Anthony on and it was fun. I had Young Rob there and he sat in. But come on.

Sam: What a piece of shit. (Dolphin laugh)

What a vindictive little cunt Sam Is

He sounds exactly like Opie, doesn't he?

Exactly. Fuck I hate Sam. You just know Denny mocking Sam's wrestling fetish has been stewing in Sam's head so he's been waiting to say some smarmy shit.

Dennis could smash him. He's a guy who ditched his newborn baby to go to Wrestlemania for 3 days.

He studied at the feet of the Master...

You think he’s a little vindictive?


He really needs to be strangled

With razor ribbon.

Sam caught wind of Denny's slam on him and now he's trying to sow seeds of disconnect between him and Jim.

"i dont get why you treet him so nice!" well you wouldn't Sam, since he shits on you openly and presents an active threat to your self esteem. Cry about it on your WWE podcast you fucking faggot

That's exactly what he's doing. He's like a real life caricature of a scheming Jew. He needs to go.

Seeds of disconnect? tsss What are ya the cable company or sumthin?

i don't even know if i went back and chose the first spell correct thing and still fucked it up, or retardedly wrote that

Denny is top bitch, nigga.

Denny knows the Chip character fucking sucks and wouldn't lower himself to appear on such a disgraceful shitshow.

His two best potential guests so far, Bobo and Denny cancelled on him and he had to resort to The Rock and Ricky Gervais. Poor little fella.

Denny is such an alpha male.

He was too busy hitting cervix with his coke can dick to show up to a schizophrenic twerp's podacast.

tfw when your kidneys arent kidneys anymore but punching bags


Oh no

tfw 50 y.o.

In Denny's defense, I don't know how a guy like him can mesh on a show like Chip's. I assume he knew that too and bailed for the good of the Podacast.

In Jim's defense, Denny should've told him off-air on Monday that he didn't want to do it.

inhales, exhales slowly Yeah, I dunno man. In Denny's defense, I don't know how a guy like him can mesh on a show like Chip's. I assume he knew that too and bailed for the good of the Podacast. In My defense, Denny should've told me off-air on Monday that he didn't want to do it.


This is partially Jim's fault

No harder time to schedule in the day, than 6 pm, especially manhattan.

The commute is awful, the traffic is jammed, buses, people leaving work, people out shopping, people are picking up kids from after school, if you're a morning person you're winding down a long day, if you work nights or going out 6 pm is still early in the day, it's just bad scheduling.

Yeah it's not a big deal for Ant who wakes up at noon or Jim who does stand up at night but Denny makes like 45k a year working at SXM and has a family back home. Pretty hard to get someone who has nothing to promote to stick around longer in the city than they have to and do it for free.

plus Denny's wife is probably bitchy about something, picking up stuff for Thanksgiving, getting ready to drive somewhere tomorrow, etc. Jimmy is just selfish

Jimmy has nobody to be with for Thanksgiving, he's probably just gonna plop down in front of his old Sony Trinitron tv and eat cranberry sauce out of a can while watching The Price is Right and Jeopardy

Another wild night at casa de Norton.

Good thing he got those lawn chairs for his apartment.

Nah, there's no way Denny isn't the king in his own house. Complete control.

Dennis still should have told him he can't do it. But why was Jim putting a show together at 9am to be taped at 6:30pm? He goes on and on about how important the show is. But then he should have gotten a guest lined up earlier like a professional.

But why was Jim putting a show together at 9am to be taped at 6:30pm?

He asked the day before taping, dumb fuck. Over 30 hours beforehand

My bad. I got the days mixed up since this show all blends in together.

Eh fuck jim. He pays shit but then has the nerve to call them unprofessional

Denny did say no at first. They kind of kept bothering him until he said okay. It didn't sound like he would really end up doing the podacast.

Jim is garbage at coordinating and planning shit like this, then blames everyone else and acts like a little girl about it.remember when he blocked everyone on Twitter because he planned some shitshow and people didn't respond? Faggot.

The podacast passed Denny by.

Mr. Falcone's time is valuable and he will do what he damn well pleases.

Watch the language pal, I force my children to browse this sub.

You're a good Father, sir.

I'm pretty good between the beatings

Comment like that make me wanna think he is so old school mafia that the 'nice guy' shtick is all it is, a schtick

It was obvoius as fuck Denny didnt want to do it when he agreed the other day. And frankly he brings nothing of value to the planet, I'm glad he no showed.

ban this nigger

What he has ever done of note besides a few easy cheap shots thrown Ople's way?

You need more?

To have him as a guest on the chip podcast, definitely. Many of the episodes are nigh unlistenable due to the utter dullards he has on.

Good luck, bro.

Look, I love Jim but if Denny turns on him I will dedicate my online life to destroying the worm.

virgin chip/chad denny image here

The Piss Lord will not be questioned or challenged by some gay shellfish. All praises unto Him!

I don't work blue and I don't work with someone's mentally ill delusion.

What good does it do someone to sit in on the chip podcast and get railed on by jim doing Jim in a different voice? Will it further Denny’s career?

Chip Armey vs Denny?

Poor bastards don't stand a chance.

Jim put Denny in awkward position where he kept asking him to go so he relented.

Denny is the self-sucking pisslord, he bows to no-one.

If that's true, good. Jim is the one of the only people who pretends Denny is funny/has value as a human being. He's the only reason I have to listen to that eager, fake-ironic-distance-but-really-cares-a-lot, old autistic faggot.

Ha ha, Jim. Your cuckoldry backfired

It's unprofessional. (blinks) I'm not trying to motherfuck the guy, but you don't no-show a gig like that. (blinks) You know how I am, Sam, (blinks) with this stuff. OK, Mary Jean's in studio. (blinks) (sniffs) (prepares to edge himself under the desk)

It's unprofessional. (blinks) I'm not trying to motherfuck the guy, but you don't no-show a gig like that. (blinks) You know how I am, Sam, (blinks) about professionalism. OK, Mary Jean's in studio. (blinks) (sniffs) (prepares to edge himself under the desk)

Dennis gives 23 minutes of notice for an unpaid non-regular gig, Artie walks into the studio 23 minutes late for his paid regular gig. Anthony fills the air in both situations.

Told y'all jims gay

If Jim tries to attack St. Dennis I’ll dedicate myself to destroying him at every opportunity. I’m sure everyone here feels the same way. He’ll get Opie’d so fast your head will spin

Chip Chipperson is serious business guys! Take me seriously!

Jim is such a baby boy whenever someone slights him in least. DL, Lauren, now denny. They all really motherfucked him.

Well as I remember Denny was the leader of the Jocktober army and anyone who gets in his way should tread lightly

Remember when he was whining to DL Hubley on the air for missing a podcast? It was embarrassing.

You ever hear Ronnie B. say a bad word about Denny?



a marionette without strings is just a doll held by a pissy-eyed faggots (just ask Anth's dad)... & maybe that's a metaphor for the J&S show.