Anthony's fear of confrontation

20  2017-11-22 by Strity123

Anyone have any instances of him being a coward? I'll say that he lets Artie walk all over him on his show. He was also Opie's bitch for several years.


Was afraid to call Bill Burr

When met with mild, constructive criticism from a certain online forum full of cute boys and handsome women, he ran away while looking over his shoulder shouting “I know which Panera you all work at!”

You mean fat men and no women?

May I direct your attention Bams "One of the Good Ones" Seed?


Post a new pic of your cunt, sweetie

Letting Keith run his network and make all of his business decisions has to count. He hired his buddy who did his laundry, rather than someone who might tell him he's doing a lazy show.

As entertaining as his appearance with Jim on Monday was, there was a segment where they talked about old jobs.

He was bragging about how lazy he was when he was knocking tin; sleeping on the job, disappearing for the day and not answering his pager etc. I know he's talked about it a lot before but it goes against his "I pulled myself up by my boot straps to get where I am today" nonsense. He then went on to say how he basically was happy to put as little effort as possible into CM and skate by with 2 hours a day 4 days a week.

Tl;dr- He's a lazy blackie and he's always been one.

But he did fight pretty hard for what he cared about, getting and staying on radio. So he did "pull himself up" into something that actually motivated him. He used to take on all of Opie's duties once he proved he was good at doing reads and cutting up spots while Opie have him more and more responsibilities off air, the lazy fuck. My point? More Opie hate.

While I agree wholeheartedly with your last point, I beg to differ with the rest. So he did the live reads. Big deal. Are we talking about the same guy? The guy who used to take sick days because he had a hangover. The guy who would sprint out of the door at 10 am sharp. The guy who did zero show prep unless it was a rant about the blacks.

Eh.. yeah. Good points. I’m a dolt.

Also the idea of Keith having to pick up Anthony's beer shit skid marked tighty whiteys is good for a chuckle.

Ant is essentially a manchild, and a child needs to feel looked after, Keith and his wife may as well be his stand in "mother" and "father" figures.

When he first started compound show a fan showed up at his front door Ant let him in "To see what he was all about"

Whoopi Goldberg and Carlos Mencia were trashed until they were in studio. Opie was at fault for that too. For a guy who always wanted to be a news story or get a viral video he had two easy chances then.

And what a pair of stuttering chicken shits they both turned into when Sarah Jessica Parker accidentally heard them trashing her and called in.

The boys also talked pretty tough about Sarah Jessica Parker, until she called in and scolded them.

"I don't think we insulted your looks."

"You said I look like Ruth Buzzi!"

"I didn't say that was a bad thing."

Got slapped by a hooker, bitched about it on Twitter then get himself fired

Definitely Artie. Ant allows his punchlines and quick quips to be sublimated and outright drowned by Artist's diarrhetic loquaciousness. His growing frustration at this is palpable but he's never been one to puncture a cash cow. The only hope is that Artie karks it soon and Ant can be reunited with Jim and a respectable paycheck once again. Not least to keep Joe in New Balance.


A good vocabulary is one thing... but jerking off to the thesaurus is a whole new ball park.

My only solace is that I know for sure you got the pages stuck together between D and L... so it'll be at least until your next thesaurus purchase before I have to read the likes of "diarrhetic" or "loquacious" again.

Put on some coffee, and eat something... your blood sugar's low and you're trying to /r/iamverysmart inside the /r/opieandanthony sub.

See my reply to GoAV, above. I get wasted and write like a faggot. Thanks for taking the time to be constructive in your criticism, though.

Not to sound like a dumb nigger or anything, but you write like a total faggot.

You're not wrong. I usually only post when I'm drinking, but when I get too drunk the above is the result. I'll leave it up as a reminder to myself to seek help.

You're a good man, Randal Bobandy. Keep eating those lentils.

Thanks, dude :) Got tins of lentil soup in the cupboard to try to mitigate my continuing alcoholic adventures.

with which he has grown to become accustomed.


Won't address the sue stuff. Pretends its about Bailey Jay

Ant is a pussy

He’s a pussy inside, shit talking and guns are his defense

Dice claimed he confronted Ant one time and he wimped out.

Tried to prank that other radio guy that one time, but ended up just being an agreeable caller.

That one is the best. Havent heard it in a good while. Need to find it again..

You can't help but be pulled into MANCOW COUNTRY!

Got a link?

Artie lit a cigarette in his studio the other day and you can tell Ant wasn’t thrilled about it... Ant just said nothing .

Yes, Anthony is a grade A faggot. I’ve been trying to tell everyone.

I don't believe in therapy. Having said that,Ant is one person who could really benefit from therapy...

You mean to tell me guys who act like hardasses on the internet and behind the mic usually end up being giant pussies in real life when push comes to shove? No way!

Dude there is so many clips of him flipping out on callers over the years, yeah be it from a far and behind a mic in a studio but still

When they got Ralph's may on the phone after his lftc rant.

Ant tried to sum the whole thing up to a miscommunication and someone editing his rant to make it sounds worse.

On the phone he said 'i never said you were not a good stand up or not funny '

In the rant, the total opposite and that he is a wigger act

He did imitate Ralphie's obnoxious laugh to him. That was one reason he didn't want him in studio.

Yeah, my point is he said on the call that he never said he wasn't a good comedian.


Thanks, dude :) Got tins of lentil soup in the cupboard to try to mitigate my continuing alcoholic adventures.