Can there be a Joseph Cumia version of the Louis intro too?

5  2017-11-21 by JusJusRagno

"Joey Joey Joey Joeeeey" He gets out of bed, puts on his sweatpants, sleeveless shirt, and New Balance sneakers. "Joey Joey Joey Joeeey" he's playing darts in the Compound Media basement. "Joey Joey Joey Jooeeeey" browsing this subreddit on the shitter. "Joey Joey Joey Joeeeey" he's checking his bank account at a Long Island ATM to make sure his allowance was posted, grins.


How exactly does Joe's allowance system work? Do you think Ant cuts him a monthly check or he does direct deposit? So many questions.

Keith does the payroll. Which is why no one of any fame will ever go to CP Media.

At 60K/year, Joe Cumia is Compound Media's third-highest paid employee. All for writing the shittiest 30 seconds of music ever recorded. What a deal.

Do you think he gets stock options?

Tweet him & ask him, hopefully it'll send him on a hate-bender again.