People who tweet out flat out lies are even worse

38  2017-11-21 by JCPatrick


i know were all losers but can anyone camp outside opies building and see where he goes? is that illegal?

Why not ask if someone wants to be the new Mark David Chapman.

Mark David Chapman shot somebody famous though. Opie's death wouldn't make the news but would be front page of the sub for weeks. The biggest tribute would be three fat british tards who would fly out to slam a cake on his gravestone and then go back home.

First ever Schnoodle Gang meetup

Pretty sure men who have tits lose their rights

he doesnt have a job

is this an SNN exclusive?

He's the strangest, dumbest person alive

Are you THE Dom? Boy is Opie gonna have some craaaaazy things to say about you after he has to go into work Friday!

That's me alright. But I'm not too sure how much longer he'll be around the office. I've seen him hovering around the men's bathroom with his camera and a small erection...I think I'll be going to HR soon

He says odd shit to people.

Grandpa has lost his mind.

Why do you people keep giving this twatwaffle attention?

We've got nowhere else to go...

thatwasthebityou D O P E S

A regular joe ripoff? what the hell?

Yeah dis guys taken a fawwwkin funny angle talkin about Dom u all no a Domz at ur jobs

Dom? he works for a dom now? jimmy must be jealous.

I'm just surprised the dunce didn't write "even worst".

Why does he keep talking about going to work casually?

What the fuck is he talking about?

This asshole within minutes of his Facebook live video admitted to not even having a job

Someone's gotta corral all those shopping carts.