Reminder: Joe Cumia swaggered into his court appearance dressed like this

36  2017-11-21 by fingerofgawd


This image was brought to you courtesy of a hosting website by the name of imageerr

Where photos are manipulated, OFTEN

But are they live links?

In the pedophile's defense, it is supposed to be pronounced imager

Joseph Cumia is NOT a pedophile.

Easy mistake

He also claimed "I got the girl" regarding that monstrosity next to him.

I'd throw that skeletor faced bitch a fuck.

He had to leave his shirt open to remind the judge that he was in the military. And to probably trick the judge into thinking he actually served in combat. And to get some sympathy.

Those kitchens could be their own warzone, sir.

It's where he learned his powerful frying pan smack that later got him arrested for domestic violence.

This is my skillet. There are many like it, but this one is mine.

Joe Cumia is not a pedophile.

I'm pretty sure this image was manipulated, easily, and likely taken out of context.

he could win a scorch lookalike competition with ease

Shoes really tied the outfit together

His scumbag clothing wouldn't have looked as bad if he'd thrown a pair of boots on. The fact that he chose to go on national television wearing that and senior citizen tennis shoes illustrates what a clueless piece of shit he actually is. He thought he looked sharp.

You know that wasn’t really court, right?

But is he a pedophile?

He's not a pedophile.

Repeat twice more without being asked.


Did Joe bring his grandmother to court with him?

"It's called style,your honor". I would call the cumias white trash,but they ain't white... The best part was when he tried the explain the difference between a cover band and a tribute band-the judge was just like "whatever,you sound like a bum".

"It's half acting, half musicianship" is one of the cringiest quotes in all of O&A related history to me. I really hope he gets half aids half cancership.

His bitch looks old.

Jesus christ, get a shirt with a collar you savage

Racists can enter contracts.

But can pedophiles?

Judge: Racists can enter contracts too

Dummy: Thank you

Not shown: Those giant white old-man muffin shoes he's wearing.

I still love the judge for refusing to believe that "internet trolls" are ruining his life. He sounded like Jessi Slaughter and looked like her dad. I'm surprised he didn't call the fucking cyber police yet.

I loved the "that sounds far-fetched" when stupid told her he's being harassed because his brother is famous. Fucking coat-tail-riding embarrassment.

Remember when Joe called in and bragged to the polygraph guy that he had beaten a lie detector by using his mind to outsmart the machine

Dude has acess to "tailor made" money