[Clip] - YKWD defends Louis CK.

4  2017-11-21 by red-light


Tuesdays with Stories had to re-tape half an episode this week since they defended him/said too much.

Sound like a couple of cucks

Jesus. "Cucks"

Google it

You're trying to sound so cool like a gay guy


Where is Chipperson and why are these assholes in his studio

I'm so drunk that I thought it said the title was HMONG in the thumbnail.

is this show any good? i gave it a few shots as background noise here and there and it sounded awful. it’s like there’s too many people talking that you don’t want to hear talk, when you’re only listening for bob. then you realize you don’t even really care about what bob has to say, either, because you only ever liked him as fodder for fat pig jokes.

Any episode you find with gomez soder and list are always worth a listen. Every other episode should be judged based on guests.

This episode was great

Sound like a couple of cucks