Retards and homeless people will always be waaaay more entertaining radio than celebrities, wrestlers, or porn stars

45  2017-11-21 by Single_Action_Army

Give me Homeless Charlie and Bobo any day


No shit. But if you don't get any celebrity buzz your show will die out. Whether they have numbers to look at or not, a company will be able to tell you're getting zero new listeners and toss you out the door.

This is an old, old argument. Hardcore fans of any radio show have to grin and bear it when the boring celebrities (or "celebrities") show up for half an hour.

It's like complaining about a vagina having a woman attached to it.

It's like complaining about a vagina having a woman attached to it.

So we need the radio version of a fleshlight?

A podcast?

A podacast?


SXM is just a marketing tool for movies and musicians. Why anyone pays money for the service, I will never understand...

Never thought of that.
Would explain their maniacal celebrity obsession.

They are more relatable to the public than a kardashian who’s struggle is surgery.

That's why I like this place so much

The absolute worst was that period where they'd have shitty no-name iHeartRadio-type musical guests perform. Completely didn't jive with the show. Maybe they were allowing Opie to indulge his "I honestly think I could host tha fuckin' Tuhnight Show" delusions.