Kramer's apology to "afro americans" during Seinfeld's appearance on Letterman (2006) was unintentionally hilarious

30  2017-11-21 by dmix


Seinfeld probably forced him to apologize out of fear DVD sales might slump.

You know how (((those people))) are, after all.

I enjoyed it thoroughly the first time and still crack a smile at it now

The best thing about it was not doing it in person. It was like he was in a bomb shelter scared of a black mob coming after him.

And how ill-prepared he was... the best part was when he start fumbling what he was going to say and finished with "I'm just not racist".

He got angry because he knew that when you have to repeat a scene you risk loosing spontaneity and timing, and something that could have been great, could end up mediocre. He might be autistic, but he's right about that.

"Stop laughing, it's not funny."

He said it so jewy

After that, I never could stand seinfeld. He thinks he can just command an audience!! They're just gonna laugh harder schmuck! Larry David is a genius and this guy was Ringo...

I remember watching this live and loving every minute of it


Tsss... television city? Why not radio county or somethin’?

The audience laughing is just perfect.

i love the audience laughing. it goes to show with these situations how the solemn serious nature, the offense and outrage followed by groveling is all fabricated by the media. regular people don’t actually give a shit but are made to feel like they should. you have two comedians talking about the guy from seinfeld saying nigger with the serious tone of a cancer diagnosis from a doctor. followed by cosmo fucking kramer apologizing. of course they fucking laughed. it’s ridiculous and funny.

You are overthinking it, they are idiots unaware of it and thought it was a bit.

It's a bit of both. Anyone who knew what was going on was laughing because it's ridiculous, and those who didn't thought were just waiting for George and Elaine to show up.

So true. No one gives a shit. As a society we are growing outraged over manufactured fake outrage.

We pretend it's serious in our spare time but when faced with the consequences directly even the most intensely vocal proponents would probably fold and given in to the fact we're all flawed humans in a fucked up world who make mistakes.

Career suicide is what happens when you use material suited for Kenny Banya!

Dude - I haven’t laughed this hard in a long time.

This is serious

Only if you take it seriously. Instead of understanding the context of what he's going through 2 days after fucking up his career and listening to his still unfiltered raw delivery about 'race relations in america between blacks and whites'...

He's clearly a borderline autist who handled the situation poorly.

I was just quoting jerry

Incorrectly coz im a faggot

Its too bad his careers been ruined over something so fucking stupid and trivial. Was just watching UHF last night and this goofy bastard is fucking awesome in it. Him going off on THOSE PEOPLE just made me respect him more! Never let those n people make you feel like less of a man, you gotta fight back like my man KKKramer!

If you watch the Comedian in Cars episode with Michael Richards he's still obvious beating himself up over this:

Jerry's dumb ass took it off Youtube with some Netflix deal, but some clips are available:

Jerry honestly tells him that it's on him to bounce back from this and move on. Your career doesn't have to end because you said some bad words during a 2min period of rage against a heckler.

He took the criticism too much to heart and listened to the over sensitive people. I personal believe he very much crossed the line beyond just making a mistake with one word (like what Pew Di Pie did) but it still shouldn't be the total destruction of his talent, where he should feel the need to hide from all public press, as he has.

Plenty of people clearly felt sympathy for him in the comments section of the various youtube videos. You dont need 100% of people to like you to be able to get back into TV or on the stage as a comedian. People like Woody Allen and Polanski have been through just as bad stuff and it didn't end their career.

I used to hate Seinfeld for that "Stop laughing" thing but now that I listen to it I realize he was looking out for himself and the Best Of DVD boxset he was releasing that year. And I guess in third place, his friend