Why has nobody from here tried to fuck this mental case yet?

12  2017-11-21 by fingerofgawd


we are all in Britain.

Bitch is nuttier than a fruitcake.

I usually press the x button and clear my history after I have sex. Old habits...

Too skinny

I was going to go with not enough peckah. But yeah, that too.

Because unlike cumia we know not to touch 'gets the show references' girls

Thank god

Let me lick your restitched pussy, babe

isn't she working a street corner in NYC or DC or somewhere like that?

Bams_seed is a good woman. Saint on ert dat mongrel.

Darn, she could have earned an easy $300

A)Dont know where she lives B)What makes you think shed actually fuck one of us?

She's just crazy enough that I think even one of us mutants might have a shot at cumming inside her.

all we would have tovdois staycin chip character until she came

oh, she'd fuck me. Trust me

whether she wanted to or not, huh?

Easy way or hard way

I can confirm. I fucked him and he is good. he does that thing with his ass like black girls do.

She would definitely want to peg this dude.

I have no idea.. IF she was within 100 miles of me I'd be pursuing that like crazy.

She's too fat

Because she has 20 Amerimongrels with every single minority out there like she's collecting Pokemons.

If you guys do a GoFundMe for the airfare I'd be more than happy to spit on her fake tits and risk this loon cutting my cock off.

1) She smokes 2) You can’t DM her unless she follows you back

She smokes is your number 1 reason why you won’t fuck her?


You can fuck a thousand girls but pass on one simply because she smokes and they don't call you heterosexual anymore

Those tits are tremendous

her nipples are hard. nice.

Bich is nuttier than Jimmy Carter's septic tank

I don't Twitter. Someone get me her number, I'm in Philly, I'll give it a shot. She looks kinda rich with that vehicle. Hope she likes standing in line at Tony Luke's and my farts after a roast pork with provalone and rabe.

Uh,cause he gotta cock.

her nipples are hard. nice.

Darn, she could have earned an easy $300