Remember when Anthony tried to trick Jim with Seinfeld stories. Which led Opie to claim he knew it the whole time?

55  2017-11-21 by Yaseetheo

What else did Opie do that made you unreasonably angry? Besides living.


The time he killed a bit to go to a stupid caller.

You know the one.

Cocksucker ruined so many fucking Patrice appearances with that bullshit

hahhahah patrice how far do you think I can go??? 134th street? 58th?

Opie was way more racist than Ant was when Patrice was in.

It was a poor attempt to be funny by saying generic hacky racist things to a guy you know isn't going to take offense.

Because taking calls was the only "contribution" Opie could make.

What are you talking about? Opie and Patrice used to sit on the phone for hours making each other laugh.


Theres a patrice appearance where he was really opening up and expressing the sadness and loneliness in his life about what hes actually achieved etc. He made a comment about how his holidays were spent being introspective and jerking off and it was part of a greater theme of being, just middle aged and wondering where it all went wrong. Then Opie goes "ah nah everyone gets sad during the holidays, yourrr not the only one i bet" and you could fucking tell Patrice understood that opie didnt actually listen to a word he said or understood the goal of his expression and that his "lonely holidays" thing was just to exemplify the main theme of his dialogue and opie killed such a great moment. The whole conversation died right there. Fucking unforgivable.

That's because Opie never goes for a real moment unless it affects him personally.

"And that's all we have on that!"

He told Patrice during a John and Jeff segment that he was killing the show today with your A.D.D... They're calling it A.D.D. radio on instant feedback.

Patrice was on fire one time, but Opie "steered the ship" unto the next topic. Then Opie took a call from a mad listener who didn't like that he killed Patrice's riff, so he put Patrice on the spot and made him say that he was done riffing anyway.

That was comfortable.

Actually he did that quite frequently which would make it difficult to ascertain the specific instance to which you are referring.

Oh, Literal JerkStoreJ!

We really are a conglomerate of cyclical retards

Wait, wait, wait. . . Let's go to Mongo the Trucker. MONGO!!! [in a really funny, over-the-top voice which is much funnier than whatever Jimmy, Ant, Patrice, Bobby, Colin etc. . . .were joking about before the interruption]

That's the bit!

He was just steering the ship

Reading jokes from instant feedback. It not only made him feel like he was fitting in with the funny people in the room, it empowered the worst douche fans like Steve s.

Wait guys, hold on, aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh Dogshit sniffer from Woodside writes "why doesn't ..." ... wait FAWK it just updated hold on ...

Even worse was when the line would get a zero. He built it up to be a great funny line and it ends up worthless just like himself. I hate the man very much.

That happened all the time. Ant would usually give an obviously forced pity laugh to keep the greggshells at bay. As often as not the joke was actually somewhat funny, but Opie would spoil it with his awful delivery.

A prime example is during the Erock honeymoon bit. He says he is crying reading what someone said and it turns out to be a hack whale joke or something.

Nothing shined a light on Opie's awful delivery more than him reading WSHH comments.

You know. That old gag!

Then he would blame the instant feedback writer as it being their fault for writing a bad joke and not Opie’s for stopping everything to read it

How did instant feedback work exactly? Was it a website that XM set up or something that fans could see Opie steal lines from?

I never paid for the live show and Ive always been curious about that.

Not sure about that or Paltalk where fans got to watch ant on video and he looked at female fans like Bobo's friend lins Bella strip.

It was a section on their website, like a shittier stripped down version of AIM at the time.

He fucked the Chip on worldstar bit and tried to blame it on Sam. "Gota Niggaz ribs hurtin today" He fucking sucks. That is one of his worst moments

Opie really pissed me off by giving all of the people that hate him their careers. I mean Anthony was a STAR in the HVAC world and Jim Norton was tearing it up opening for Dice in what is universally considered the absolute worst point of his career. But, yeah, the guy who had to babysit these two fucking zeroes and negotiate their multi-million dollar contracts while Anthony drank, developed his famous racism and tried to hide his well-known pedophilia is the REAL problem. Opie is not talented and not funny. However, this idea that without him Anthony or Jim would have been better is laughable. Without him, AntH would probably still be the lead singer of Rotgut and Jim Norton would be Lenny Marcus.

Opie really pissed me off by giving all of the people that hate him their careers.

Their talent gave Opie a radio career beyond spinning records in a local market.

he'd still in Syracuse or Albany on a 10-watt station if he never got turned onto Anthony.

Not even that. Tits admitted he was on the brink of quitting radio altogether when he got one last chance and hooked up with Anthony. That hacky douche would have been gone years ago

Well if opie said it, I believe it. He never lied.

I don't believe much that he says, but for him to admit weakness like that, that he couldn't make it on his own in radio, pretty much guarantees that story is true.

Obvious troll is obvious.

one of the times Opie was being unreasonably cruel to Steve regarding the website he critiqued steve for not having a “viral videos section” on

no, he didn’t mean a section dedicated to posting the current trending videos online, he meant the viral videos from the show, as if it was a genre of video, and not a status it gets from spreading online.

i believe he said something like: “steve do you even have a viral video section on the site? like i’m reading in the paper about these fawkin viral videos getting popular and i’m wondering if you have a section where you put all the viral videos from our show because we have them all the time”

it was cute seeing the birth of an obsession and him not quite grasping what it was immediately.

Can someone explain to me why a show of their magnitude didn't have its own domain name once they were at XM?

One of the more infuriating segments. No one understood how a website is run besides Steve, but they all talked down to him as if they were the experienced ones. They couldn't grasp that Steve had to pay to maintain it and he wasn't actually profiting if he accounted for his labor. How could they be so oblivious to how their content got out?

I might be confusing Bash Steve for No Reason bits, but it all ties together.

yeah it’s hard to listen to. no matter what steve said, opie just repeats something like “just admit you make a little money steve, come on just admit it”

full on narcissistic retard mode. you can tell he isn’t even listening to steve, because he admits from the beginning that he makes a small amount of money and puts it back into the site. it doesn’t matter, crazy tits already decided in his deranged mind steve is making money from the show and it’s wrong.

jim and ant are almost as bad in the segment too. ignorant on the topic but still rude and adamant arguing with steve.

How could they be so oblivious to how their content got out?

I remember Ant ranting one time about how it was so hard to find a hosting site that would host their nude photos and videos. That "we'd plug you" if you hosted our photos. And this was in think the late 90s, and it was still fucking expensive to host multimedia content.

It sounded as if Ant assumed since the photos were only a few MBs, thats all it took, and not the bandwidth that was going to cost a lot.

Especially during their early XM days, how much ad revenue did they think Steve could possibly be pulling from a couple thousand clicks.

He once said "I have so many viral videos, but I can't get them out to the people. Frustrating shit". Opie rules.

BIG BOY GOT THE BIG BAT TODAY or his devil character

And the devil voice was a rip off from something Ron did, once, that was funny and got a laugh.


I remember when he introduced this. You can hear Jim and Ant mocking him every time he does it but they do it subtle enough to not have him catch on.

Half a shows worth of enraging Opie contributions I compiled a while back:

Fucking enraging

When he tried to make harry hater a thing, and then became all bashful when jim and sam asked him to do it on air

Someone as untalented as Opie should have more humility. Instead, he pompously acts as if he should be beloved for the years of "radio gold... sniff" he had little part in. As unfunny as Sam is, he contributed way more actual listenable radio then titty boi could ever even attempt to. I hate his fucking guts and I'm glad Bam's kid is retarded.

That time he ruined The Room bit by talking to a random woman in the hallway.

Honestly no I don't remember this. I remember vividly Opie getting angry that he kept getting tricked by the Seinfeld gimmick.

The time they had Joe DeRosa in studio and they were talking about eating KFC while hungover, Opie nonsensically claimed that KFC biscuits were "like muffins" and then repeatedly asserted this claim while everyone else ignored him.

I've heard about this,but I've never seen a clip. Is it available?

Whenever he would start shitting on people who did the show once but in his autistic brain were now his" friends" not doing the show anymore and making everyone in the room uncomfortable while complaining about fawking Jack Black sniff


Theres a patrice appearance where he was really opening up and expressing the sadness and loneliness in his life about what hes actually achieved etc. He made a comment about how his holidays were spent being introspective and jerking off and it was part of a greater theme of being, just middle aged and wondering where it all went wrong. Then Opie goes "ah nah everyone gets sad during the holidays, yourrr not the only one i bet" and you could fucking tell Patrice understood that opie didnt actually listen to a word he said or understood the goal of his expression and that his "lonely holidays" thing was just to exemplify the main theme of his dialogue and opie killed such a great moment. The whole conversation died right there. Fucking unforgivable.