In all seriousness, what kind of faggot do you have to be as a man to get eyelid surgery.

22  2017-11-21 by fingerofgawd


The way you wrote this implies that women are frequently getting eyelid surgeries.

I just find it absurd that this was the thing he decided to fix. Not his hair. Not his stupid, crooked, yellow teeth. Not his bitch tits. His eyelids.

Joke is on Opie though because it just made him look really strange. He's got some kind of uncanny valley thing going on now. It's almost impressive how much Opie sucks at everything.

Sort of like how Ant opted for hair plugs when he should've worried about his horrible argonian skin first

Or how he took steroids or HGH or whatever it was and all it made him do was get fat.

Ant took roids?

Ant is has been on trt for years. Not roids

All rich old men do


Fawk yeah. Home run, landstrider!

What the fuck are you talking about

Opie had his lids sliced to try and regain his youth. Ended up looking like an alien instead.

pics before and after?

DIIIIIPPPP into that retirement money to stroke your ego DDDIIIIIIIIPPPPP

I need proof of this. Not that it makes you a faggot but that Opie did it.

Gyno surgery should be #1 priority

A chink?

A slant eyed Asian

Slant-eyed Asian here. Can confirm it’s like one of the #1 surgeries in Asia. I’m saving my money for a boob job.

I just want to look even cuter when I bat my eyes.

My dad had eyelid surgery at about 65 years old. His eyelid drooped enough to block his vision. His eyelid drooped because he was hit in the eye with a brick in 1966.


A proud boy? Uhuru

I have this small weird cyst on my lower left eyelid and I might have to get the doc to clip it off here soon. Does that count as eyelid surgery?

He's looking more like tippy tom by the day

All rich old men do