On recent Burning Bridges, Kevin Brennan said he was under contract not to criticize Opie

4  2017-11-21 by Toss__Pot

It was from this week, pretty much un-listenable shitshow with Geno Bisconte, can't link it 'cus I stole dat muug.


Cant link it because you stole it. Are you new to the internet?


Whats the episode number and rough timestamp?

EP.032. 30:40 ... it's only about 2mins most, takes a jab at the pop-ups also

I think Dave said he was asked not to talk about Opie. But that may have been due to the time he threatened to kill him.

More likely Keith was in misguided but legitimate contract negotiations with Opie and didn't wan't GreggShells in the middle of his talks.

The reason RedBar quit Compound Media was that Keith on 3 separate occasions censored what Mike could or couldn't talk about. The last straw was Joe Matarese, which in highsight looks absolutely idiotic, more idiotic than usual for Keith.

Aside from Opie, all talk about Redbar has ceased, which was half of the material on Geno and Aaron's show. Brennan on multiple occasions has mentioned that are certain topics he isn't allowed to mention. ESD has alluded to this as well.

This what Anthony reigns over now. CM. The "C" stands for Censorship. Or maybe "Commercial" from another rip off company that defrauds his audience.


RedBar went to Compound Media as a joke. He never intended to stay.

Yes, that is his rationalization.

That's certainly possible.

I recall a number of years ago that RedBar was added to a podcast network Kidd Chris put together after KC got fired from Philadelphia, and before he got hired for his Portland run. At the time, RedBar was more like the Comedy Cellar Table format instead of the current incarnation. The podcast network dissolved when KC got his next gig but RedBar didn't leave as much as there was nothing to leave from in the end. How does this relate? Damned if I know. Just happy he popped up again to be rediscovered. I have plenty of time at work to listen to as much content of all kinds as possible.

Aside from Opie, all talk about Redbar has ceased, which was half of the material on Geno and Aaron's show.

You know this was never remotely true no matter how many times Mike repeated it?

They did a total of 2 prepared "Baby Podcaster" bits. (One of which was just part of Aaron doing a reprise of all of his characters on the Anniversary show). Maybe 10 minutes tops in 100+ hours of programming.

Aside from a couple passing mentions in Geno's monologue the only time Red Bar has ever come up was the series of boring repetitive Red Bar prank callers.

The truth is probably somewhere in the middle. I am guilty of somewhat enjoying podcast wars.

its me stinks and not keith. can I get the link to where you downloaded that from fellow redditor?