When/How did Anthony acquire his expansive vocabulary?

0  2017-11-21 by schnitzel2000

Anyone know much about this? It's actually quite vast compared to the average persons.

He's managed to cultivate a vocabulary that would be impressive even by academic standards. It's pretty notable for a former sheet metal worker who doesn't regularly read books.


He is somewhat intelligent

It's quite impressive for a colored.

Watching TV. -oh literal blah blah

He used to be an avid reader.

It’s not advid? Holy shit I’m fucking dumb

I can’t get past his expansive laugh.


He's just a high-IQ idiot. If you work blue collar jobs you come across them. They're not formally educated, so they come off like a retard a lot of the time, but their higher aptitude leads them to acquire a big vocabulary and decent reasoning skills. At least compared to their fellow HVAC technicians.

Stop this iq shit. He watched a fuck ton of tv and movies so he picked up a fuck ton of vocab. That's why 70% of his comedy is impressions.

Yes. Compared to the people i work with i come off like Einstein

Yes. As a lifelong blue collar slob, some of the most intelligent, apt, observant people I've ever met weren't on campuses while a student or amongst licensed professionals, they were polishing off tall boys at lunch or fist fighting one another over a broken tool. Most of these guys grew up with absolutely nothing, parents who didn't care or weren't around altogether, no formal education, and were destined to be Regular Joe types. They were, however, insanely talented mechanically and extraordinarily well read on their interests. Anthony is definitely reminiscent of these guys, and extremely talented on various fronts. The trouble with him, is he let his success, isolation, and substance abuse issues get in the way of further mental evolution.

Tsss...Fawking Dr. Phil over here...

Amen to that my fellow regular Joe. I've come to realize that IQ has no bearing on success or job type. Luck, and people skills, play into it a LOT more. There's a lot of really intelligent guys in blue collar work, and a lot of really stupid guys in white collar "educated" positions.

Alright, lunch hour's up, back to the job site.

Is it?

Anthony's strong suits as far as intellect are concerned are exactly the type of metrics that would show up on an IQ test. He's probably 130-135 on a Wechsler which is very impressive, likely with relative strengths in working memory and verbal comprehension. The problem for him is that while IQ isn't meaningless, it's probably only 30ish% of what comprises intelligence, and Anthony is abysmal in the other 70%, particularly in regards to emotional intelligence and impulse control. He's a sponge for information who is A) not quite as good at retaining it as he thinks he is and B) completely incapable of utilizing that information to improve his decision making. I'm sure his childhood experiences stunted his emotional maturity quite early. He's a lopsided brain that, when accounting for absolutely everything, is probably slightly below average