Did Anthony lose his driver's license?

7  2017-11-20 by jaimieand87

He used to drive himself into work every morning in the O&A Days. This morning he mentioned riding the train in with commoners and the unwashed.


I noticed that too. Probably easier since his studio is right by Penn Station. Keith might even drive him home.

I think it's just the commute. Mid-afternoon is a lot rougher than the morning (at least the first half). That being said it is curious. The girlfriend has been driving a bit too.

My thought is that it is later in the day, so traffic could be a bitch. In addition he no longer has his parking servant, Club Soda.

He did have a couple tickets and I remember him talking about the last one and saying it could be a problem.

Keith has to drive him around on dates, while he and Sue are in the back, making love.

In that case, I feel bad for him. I spent 9 months without it, and it fucking sucked ass.

Drunk driving can give you up to 5 years without a license where I live. You also need to retake the written and practical test.

A plumber friend of mine lost his for 3 years for a horrible drunk driving accident where he plowed his company van into the highway railing("I WAS JUST GOING TO GET SOMETHIN' TO EAT") after a horrible bender.

He worked at a factory as an unlicensed mechanic until he got his license back. Worst years of his life.

You're better off calling an über than going for a beer run while drunk.

I didn't drive drunk. It was political, if you can believe it.

He talked about maybe losing his license on this podcast in April: https://youtu.be/M1gMMbzvC0Y?t=1h35m55s

Commuting to LI from Manhattan is a bitch in the car and stressful. The train has some tranquility if you can find the right seat and fall asleep. Plus it takes you right to midtown and he probably lives close to a train station so it’s likely easier.

Lmao if he managed to lose his driving license, but still keep is CC licence thats going to be a comedy gold.

Nobody wants to drive in manhatten. I know because ive never been there

i dont remember riding the train with him

Yes, he did. He was bitching about having to do community service, as a result of driving as his haplotype dictates. That's why he's been accompanied to every Chip Podacast by either bored Missy or bored Keith; they drive him home.

Bored Missy--yes! She has the sleepy, waiting out the hour look of a Dominican caretaker pushing an elderly dementia patient around the park.