Charlie Rose ... come on down!

4  2017-11-20 by phlammo


Finally... someone I actually like being taken down. So far I could give a shit about any of them. But I've seen some very good Charlie Rose interviews. Might actually lose out on some good content because he was a pervert.

This is hilarious though, this opened the firehose. Like hitting oil in There Will Be Blood, it comes flooding out and now the pipes are all being set up to collect these stories and ruin peoples lives. Each day is a new one, which is hilariously convenient for advertising pageviews.

He's a great interviewer but he's no Opie Hughes.

Dat nigga's toast. He works with two women always talking about feminism (the two cunts who argued with John McEnroe.)

I am so happy this guy is going to get shit on, only because of that John McEnroe segment where he completely threw him under the bus to sign along with those fucking mockingbird cunts, the We Demand An Apology song. I respected him before he started doing that, but fuck him to death now.

This witch hunt is actually making me care less about sexual harassment. When there were only a few accusations, it made it look like there were a few high-status creeps in show business abusing their power. But now that everyone and their mom is being accused, it just seems to prove that it's an unavoidable result of men gaining power.

what the fudge?!!

That's exactly right. It's the same thing that happened with mass shootings. Now nobody gives a fuck when a mass shooting happens.

Every Rose has its thorn

Jesus Christ the standards of what is life ending sexual assault has been lowered

I actually like Charlie Rose.

Fuck, now he’ll never get in the hall of fame