We were spared from hearing this asshole today

388  2017-11-20 by ThatNiggaDre


"the listeners hate me BUT they're listening ehehehehehe"

Joke's on him. SiriusXM balances in social media results and reactions into their ratings analysis. Pretty sure hate shines right through.

i pray youre right...

Ron went in detail about it when Bennington first started. Management came to R&F/O&A and told them they need to be building an online "brand". It coincided with the Sabian "media destination" bullshit.

That's why Ron (who doesn't even do social media) beat the shit out of hashtag this and that (cakehorn for example) so they would trend worldwide on Twitter.

It was Ron saying, "fuck you, my partner doesn't talk, you pushed me off the channel, and we are still more relevant than ever on social media."

It's also why Opie became so obsessed with numbahsss. And the source of the douchy clip, "Ron and Fez were trending yesterday? Big deal! We can trend whenever we want. Let's get something trending."

Spoiler: they did not get anything trending.

I’m pretty sure Opie said that durning the cakehorn bit when (((Sam))) kept bringing up how trending R&F were.

You're correct.

Sammy the Kike

They've got 4 people who post anything positive about the show. And half of it is talking about Travis.

id like to get these four to stand out in front of the classroom so I can see the caliber of IQ from a sam roberts cheerleader

Not enough forehead

Got any more foreheads back there, Earl?

fresh out


i'm fuckin starvin


Shut up, Ant.


I gotta have more forehead

I made a concerted effort to make it big and I still didn't do it accurately

He wishes he had a hairline like that.

good meme

Someone explain the 50 cent reference

I fucking hate the prince opening. Sam wants it because he thinks it makes him hip, you can tell Jim hates it too.

Sam's passions are wrestling, radio broadcasting, sneakers, top 40s hip-hop, and ordering off kid's menus, and this Octoroon-Jew has built a life for himself where he can indulge in all of them.

He's probably happier than any of us.

He sacrificed his 20s and half of his 30s to get a radio job that could be eliminated in less than a year from now. After that, he'll have no real job security and will only be able to fall back on his wrasslin' fanbase.

Can he draw enough income between podcasting and guest spots on the WWE Network to keep the lights on for him, his wife, and his kid? Maybe, maybe not. That kind of pressure is insane and does not make for happiness.

Perhaps after his firing Opie will do a pop up where he's urging him to jump off a mall balcony too

Let’s hope they Thelma & Louise it

That must be terrifying. Everytime he does a guest spot for the WWE, someone screenshots the Tweets...

They can't stand Sam's voice either. The added visual element doesn't help one bit. He is repulsive to more than one of the senses

Would u want to hwar some jew monkey cackle at you?

his wrasslin' fanbase

Nah, we hate him too

He won't have any more wwe appearances if he loses the radio gig.

One thing in his favor is his ability to live frugally.

Its cool cuz his wife will divorce him lol

Happiness is for women and faggots.

Happiness is for everyone except people who sub to /opieandanthony

He could win the lottery and I’d still be glad I’m me and not him. I can enjoy a cheeseburger and beer without gagging.

Thats because you do your gagging on something else.

Fukin peckah yuma

Yep! Dude has crushed his career goals while this place screeches about how badly they hate a show they listen to compulsively.

Sam laughs at all this. He's a wrestling guy and loves heels, they live on impotent anger which is the entirety of this subreddit. HE. LOVES. THIS.

If he went away who would this place turn on next? I wonder. Denny? Travis? I mean because we all know SOMEONE has to be obsessively hated (and listened to every single morning without fail anyway.)

Do you actually believe that people listen to him? Really?

This is sure an odd take.

At this sub? Yes of course people are listening. Every single day. There's a post about the tragic struggle of being forced to listen to Sam EVERY SINGLE DAY.

With the exception obviously of days like today, where the feeling seems to be "Hurray! I wasn't forced to listen to him! I was spared my self-inflicted horror!"

Do you think people here aren't listening? They're making extremely detailed posts about something they don't consume if so. That would be much weirder than being so full of rage at a show one could simply turn off.

You are so out of touch if you think even the majority of people on here listen to Jim and Sam once a week let alone every day. Delusional. It's actually a running joke that people have given up on listening to these shows.

You are probably a wrestling faggot who has soft taste in entertainment and came in through being a fan of Sam's horrible fluff piece wrestling interviews.

I loved wrestling when I was six. Macho Man was the shit! Can't say I've seen much of it since though.

I am posting in a thread literally titled "we were spared from hearing this asshole today" which clearly implies that people generally aren't spared from hearing him. That means they are listening.

Of the 25 posts on the front page over half are specifically about today's show and things said on today's show...that means people are listening.

I mean you're right in that I'm not very familiar with the community here because I was a fan of O&A and am a fan of J&S and it's been quite a bit easier over the years to remain a fan of those shows by avoiding the constant screeching of other fans. It used to be daily hate on wackbag and now it's daily hate here.

I mean hate Sam all ya want, just understand that he loves it. He appears to be fueled by it. Because it means you're listening. That's all he has ever wanted.

No, because the ARTISTE even commented that they meant they were spared having to hear Sam try to insert himself into a show that you listen for Jim and Anthony together. People only listened to this episode to hear Anthony and Jim.

So no, it doesn't mean they are listening you foolish idiot. Constant screeching? You sound so defensive and delusional about how people see Sam. And you're doing the same exact thing you claim fans do. You choose to come here. You choose to see "screeching" from fans who are only saying they have no use for Sam. And no Sam does not like or appreciate the fact that almost everyone who knows his name and has for years, genuinely doesn't like him as a person.

Your posts almost sound like Sam writing in the third person, and most of your posts are in defense of Sam. It's safe to say you know nothing about this place or the show itself

I've listened to the show since 2001. I mean just because I don't call people idiots or delusional doesn't mean I'm not as much a fan as anyone else.

Let's play this game again tomorrow when Anthony isn't on and half the front page is still specific to that day's show that no one is listening to, totally!

You're right though. I don't know anything about this place except that every time I click it's a cavalcade of people being truly upset that they can't stop listening.

Letting go is hard!

No, we can tell from your opinions and the shit you're saying that you're not as much a fan as anyone else, here. You belong on Wackbag or one of those sites

Let's play this game again tomorrow when Anthony isn't on and half the front page is still specific to that day's show that no one is listening to, totally!

Wow, you really never have been here before. There is never a post about that show, let alone on the front page.

You're right though. I don't know anything about this place except that every time I click it's a cavalcade of people being truly upset that they can't stop listening.

You're a stupid faggot who should jump into the air and try to land directly on top of your skull.

Look at the views on youtube dummy, you might not but people do listen.

15 posts on the main page are specific to today's show. Sooooo...people are listening, every single day. Hahaha, shit that's gotta suck for you and your non-argument.

Call me names and whatever you want bud, it just kind of proves my point that people around here are impotently angry. Grrrrrr, this guy is a fan of a show I listen to all the time but really hate, he must be a faggot!


Nobody listened to the show, nobody has Sirius, and you have fat man tits.

Nope. There were quite a few posts regarding the main show on Wednesday, right there on the front page, as will generally happen on a fan forum which is what this sub is no matter how badly you don't want it to be so.

You can make up whatever reality you want but it doesn't change facts.

I apologize for taking so long to get back to you. I forgot you existed and it was a big family holiday. Though looking through your posts it seems like you spent Thanksgiving on reddit, screeching about...Sam Roberts! Wow. You the real hero buddy. While everyone else was with their family you were here bitching about Sam's shoes or whether or not Jim fucks raw. Hahahahahahaha! Holy shit you're obsessed! You definitely don't listen though. You're so far above that. I can't wait to see your big complaints will be over Christmas!

Don't bother replying lonely boy. I won't check into this account until it's time to make fun of losers that can't quit O&A again. Guys like you, y'know =)

You listen to Sam Roberts and you enjoy it. That's the only statement I have to make to you to completely demolish you as a poster and a human being.

Of the 25 posts on the front page over half are specifically about today's show and things said on today's show...that means (up to 25) people are listening.

If one person listens, and they post... that doesn't mean a thousand listen. Also worth noting that your "25 posts today" are all about the NoSam show; how many posts about each show are made when The Troglodyte is on-mic?

after a week they have like 20,000 listens on youtube alone, what are you even talking about?


This is from just one channel.

His wife fawks other, better, men

A Sam sympathizer is a lower form of human than dealers of CP on the dark web

He talks about suicide all the time. His belief that he is famous is the only thing keeping him going.

dude, you realize he feels the same psychological/social pain that Opie feels right now? he knows Ant and Jim secretly dislike, if not outright resent having to be around him. That is a shitty place to be in, mentally.

Not a huge Sam fan, but not a fan of Ant and Jim at all. Anthony can't help but try to be the Alpha. I really liked the whole "Jim, the leader" that we had for while. Now it's just more of the same. I've been turning it off more and more.

i have no idea what you're talking about

No surprise there.

They seem to like Sam, they just dont respect him, which seems much much worse.


the idea of him as this bitch waterboy whose over-eagerness they entertain but don't take seriously


human joke who thinks he's capable of running a new show with all these jaded veterans who've seen it all and are only hanging around because they want a paycheck at the end of the day (Jim) or they think it's a fun endeavor but is ultimately just a forgettable passion project (Ant, Compound Media)

Those arms and legs are too big to be Sam. They need to be more waifish.

dank maymay

Ay lmao

kid cuisine was a nice touch

they make it look so fun on the box, but it was never that fun

isnt there like a penquin wearing sunglasses

Processed chicken connoisseur

Waste of oxygen

They're not dinosaur-shaped tho. 3/5

leave it alone

the infamous "chicken nuggets against the wall" incident

I hope the interns see this.

Opie jr is respected by the fans

Guys like Sam should just get their own show. Hopefully next October they separate.

He had so much good will before landing in the morning slot. Even the people that hated him, or his voice, tolerated him for his ability to stir shit and piece together great bits like Jocktober. I'm impressed with how far someone could tumble from not so great a height. Larger crater than I ever would have guessed possible

one listen to the nighttime show he did shouldve been a hint. sams a good producer but never shoudlve been on the air for more than 5 minutes a show. he's killed a dead show though, maybe this is the bottom we need

i wonder how old sam is 35+?


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I think he said he was slightly under 35

35 centimeters or sumptin

show tits


I'm a year older than this overgrown child. He has a successful radio career, a wife, and a child. I have drinking, an ex-wife, and three shitty jobs. This is all to say I'd rather have my nothing if having all that he has means I'd have to be him, like what he likes, and look like he looks.

You remember when j&s started and Sam had that terrible Butthead laugh and then we goofed on him and he lost it immediately?

Do you ree-membuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh???

I'm going straight for the gay comment to say this is awesome.

I hate using the word 'asshole' cause it implies you were upset or offended by the person in some way, putting them in a position of having emotional control over you which makes you sound gay and weak. But he really is an asshole. Guy is just a fucking asshole.

It seems Opie radio's 'skills' wore off Sam. Who knew?

He routinely calls himself an Opie protege who learned how to do radio from Opie. As Brother Wease begat Opie, Opie begat Sam, AKA Little Opie Junior.

The Kid Cuisine got me. Too funny.

My favorite part of this meme is his newest passion of Jordan's. You know the shoes people have been wearing for 25plus years.

This is amazing.

That kid cuisine thing looks good other than the corn

You forgot SHITLOAF. His mom burned a cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Oh gee fellas i don't know. I love it when Sam tries to get Jim "going" by calling him out on nonsensical topics

looks exactly like him. way more than his other stupid cartoon avatar does. I suggest he switch it over to this one.

ive been spared every day

except when Anthony has to shit forever

i meant having to endure him to hear YEEMY and Anth

oohhh didnt realize ant was in sirius. holla dolla bill yall

I would like to chuck a brick at his face hard enough that the force of the throw would destroy every ligament in my arm and shoulder.

These comics suck.

When I first layed my eyes upon this creation, it's the same way people felt when Michelangelo first unveiled the Sistine chapel work to them. It's as if god himself came down from heaven and created this.

I am very emotional right now. I'll see myself out. Thank you.


someone had to sit in paint and put this together. i think Sam actually won this one lmao

Hey Sam, it took 5 minutes to create something to make people who hate you closer together. :)

Sam doesn't even know you exist. It's cute that you have this obsession with him and he doesn't even know.

Hey Sam, no one likes you. Thanks for liking the pic on twitter though.

i guess if you just pretend im sam enough then i guess ill become sam.

fuckin lame fuck

Your mother would be ashamed of you.


Leave it alone.

ok Opie

He suggested Colin not come in once? I don't believe you.

I don't like Sam.

Sam's gonna worm his way into having the Sam show

He's Makavelian

Sam acknowledged the pic: https://twitter.com/notsam/likes

What, Jim? You don't like when "blank" does "blank"?

The fact that most people just gave up and now listen to Sam Roberts on a daily basis makes me fucking sick.


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Sammy isnt as bad as youre making him out to be, gang

Finally some other fan art for this Nig other than that decade old cartoon thing he always use

Is the intro to the show a bit or something? I'm confused

*Says the same sentence 3 times in a row in different ways just to kill time.

*Over enunciates the 'T' in certain words as if it's a separate word.

*Refuses to try alcohol.

Someone call his mother, to take him home.

I love how this was made with minimal effort yet so right on point at the same time. Kudos friendo

Do you ree-membuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh???

Someone explain the 50 cent reference

Your mother would be ashamed of you.

You listen to Sam Roberts and you enjoy it. That's the only statement I have to make to you to completely demolish you as a poster and a human being.