I know I'm a faggot, but Denny coming into J&S with Anthony and no Sam, wearing an Opieradio shirt and saying that he got it from a "cleared out office", made me laugh heartedly and LITERALLY brought a tear to my eye.

253  2017-11-20 by Every1ShouldBKilled

I just never thought we'd be here. I thought either Opie would still be on the air, or he'd "bow out gracefully"; never experiencing the full-on humiliation that he's experiencing now.

I guess I'm just happy. And I love Denny.


Someone send Sam an E mail from Sirius.Your no longer needed stay home.

Your no longer needed stay home.

he never was

It brings me joy to know that not only was humpty dumpty the everyone's nightmare, but that they all still get along famously without him. He was the only negative force in a group of great friends, and they're all finding success while he lives in isolation.

I remember psychos in highschool/ college who'd burn their way through a group of friends and then insert themselves into a new group. There's probably a word for that behavior. That's what teats is doing. No one who knows him likes him, so he's reestablishing himself with newcomers like Carl Ruiz. He cannot maintain reciprocal relationships.

I still can't figure out the Carl thing though. He adds nothing, and he's a true cunt. He isn't funny, and the odd shit is just too much.

Carl's a "wacky guy" who wants a TV show, and sees Opie as his best chance. Honestly, though - even with Opie's total lack of a career or pull in the industry, he's still probably Carl's best shot.

But.. why would even Opie want him around? All jokes aside.. he's a waste of space.

I mean, they're both a waste of space; but Opie can't talk for twenty minutes on his own, so he needs the Cuban to bounce off.

Exactly. Opie is a parasitic personality.

I don't think anyone else can stand him. I make alot of jokes on here about Jimmy and Ant, but despite their flaws I enjoy the shit out of them. They have actually entertained me for years. Opie though.. I truly despise. The way he treats people he feels is beneath him, makes him hateable enough. After hearing all the behind the curtain shit, he just makes me sick. He's the only person I can think of, that I was happy to see lose his job. Carl may be just that... a wall to throw shit against to see what sticks

Carl may be just that... a wall to throw shit against to see what sticks

Exactly. Remember that time nobody else was around, so Opie had to bring Kenny in to talk to? Or when Sherrod was late, so Opie cancelled the show? Without someone to laugh at his jokes, or come up with ideas, he's dead in the water.

I don't like this new thing of people moving the word even in a sentence.

Carl has more TV connects than Opie does. He just wants to do radio, purriod. He's not looking for a TV show, he wants radio time, and thinks because of Opies past experience, he may still get it at some point. He already showed he was upset and shocked when Opie said he declined radio offers, and I guarantee the only reason he hangs around still and does the dumb pop up shows is because Opie is saying shit like "believe me brothaman, we're gonna build this thing up from the ground and once it goes viral, I'll get us the offer that's right."

Every one of them also HATES him. I thoroughly enjoyed their little jabs at that talent less cunt today.

Carl Ruiz will soon become another in the long list of people that have worked with Opie and now think he's a piece of shit. No wonder Tits needs to keep his head on a swivel.

I can bet Carl already hates Opie. During that trip they did to bother wease's show. fucking opie made carl drive like an hour south to opies just to fucking head back north the way he came from to get to wease.

What a narcissist.

While I can confirm that you are indeed a massive fucking faggots, you are also 100% correct. I can't deny that the nostalgia for having Ant and Jim with neither Opie or Sam is pretty strong. They balance each other's faggotry down to a very tolerable level, if Sam would fuck off to some wrastlin show, Jimmy and Anthony would probably be the best comedy show on the entire platform..


I don't know what's better, that Ant and Denny are there or that Sam is gone.

Opie being unemployed tops both.

It's not just that he's unemployed. It's that everything he's ever built is destroyed, in his mind. The fact that he has no audience, no immediate job prospects, and is half jokingly talking suicide and is "bleeding money" makes this all so much more wonderful. To steal a phrase, What timeline are we in?

The timeline where Trump's America isn't so bad after all.

This is Earth Two.

That is a quandary

it was a great day, no doubt about it



The thought of someone having 1 tear in their eye while in their miserable cubicle over a radio show guest is kind of funny

I'm a miserable cube guy. Pity me.

Denny is the best.

I enjoy the fact that Denny obviously hated Opie.

i enjoy even more the fact that he put up with his shit for years, stayed cool, never tried to wrestle back or anything.

because deep down, he knew.

he knew what was coming.

Two more things:

*Denny initially tried to be Opie's friend. Before he knew him, he respected him as a radio legend and would always try to make small talk about the Islanders. Opie rebuffed him and laughed at him for this on-air.

*Denny was used in the "Bobo role", that is to say, a retard to laugh at to kill time. Denny is a kind-hearted man, but he is not unintelligent. Opie insulted him constantly in this way, not just calling him a retard but trying desperately to use his own success with O&A to belittle him. He would play WOLD by Harry Chapin, which is a song about a washed up radio man, whenever Denny came on.

he knew what was coming.

The suspension of disbelief fan fiction here gets simply fucking sad sometimes.

Denny didn't "know what was coming". He took Opie's Shit like a little bitch and didn't make a comment until Opie was gone and the coast was clear, just like Jim and Anthony.

Denny is an autistic loser who is sexually frustrated (is inappropriate office party behaviour demonstrates both A) fumbling inability with women and B) a still strong desire to be with women. This can only mean that he lives a very frustrated, desperately sad life.

It's called being "happily" married.

Are you trying to say that a men getting married to one woman for decades is somehow proof that he isn't a loser with women in general?

Why did you even post you embarrassing beta faggot? You defend Denny because you see your failures in his.

Quotation marks denote that something is either a direct quote, is being emphasized, or being said sarcastically.

I had the good sense to get a divorce from my frigid wife, and go back to masturbating in front of young comedians.

"Sort yourself out, bucko. Clean you room"

-Jordan B. Peterson

There's something really pathetic about r/thedonald posters who play videogames 8 hours a day thinking that their life has value by cleaning their room because Jordan Peterson said it

You think KISS is cool. A bunch of faggot Jews who wore makeup and played shitty music to appeal to white trash faggots who couldn't make it out of middle school. KISS Army.. that's hardcore!

Hard to be edgy when you worship faggots who wore makeup to try and hide the fact that they sucked. But keep trying, it's entertaining.

Again, Dimebag Darrel of Pantera had multiple KISS tattoos and was buried in a KISS coffin. Better people than you who's opinions matter more say that you're wrong.

That you opster?

oh yeah well maybe YOU'RE the loser

This is a dumb comment

Denny was Brutus? Acting dumb, playing the long con, and when the time was right he was there with Roland and Paul on the steps of the temple. I came I saw I conquered brothaman!

It really reinforces the fact that Opie is a hate-able pile of crap when one of the nicest guys ever hates your guts.

he's so fucking droll it's unbelievable. For an italian dude to be that restrained and in control... guy is some kind of warlock

Get a hold of yourself, queer

It warmed my heart not to sound like a fayg

Ant was fired for something on Twitter that he says a thousand times worse on live radio. But some faggot blogger picked it up & XM needlessly panicked. It's said that it has nothing to do with the faggot blogger, but they were just looking for a reason to fire Ant and the Twitter shit gave them the perfect opportunity. That isn't true, since XM could fire him anytime and not have to give an excuse/reason. Anyway, if they hadn't of fired him, nobody would've gave a fuck and it all would've been forgotten, especially since it happened on the week of 4th of July. So all of that bullshit is way over and way done with, that blogger is probably dead from, ahhh, "complications due to pnemonia" by now and nobody even remembers a thing about this anyway. So XM. HIRE ANT BACK.

They wouldn't be able to give him his usual rate, but at this point I'm sure Ant needs the money.

Yep. He could always get a raise down the line somewhere. Right now, just get the job.

I imagine the only one that might protest is Keith the Cop, because whatever Ant uses on the morning show with Jimmy could affect what he brings to the AA show. One brand may affect the other brand, which is entirely possible. Not that Keith wouldn't have a point in that regard, but at the same time: There's no way CM is going to go the distance. For Anthony's sake, it's better if he plants his flag back with a major company with capital and that we all follow him there. As long as he doesn't blow it again, it should work, considering that theres no Opie.

Well they just saved how much firing Tits? Give him half that, I'm sure he'd be happy.

i wasnt gay before i read this post but now i can blame this.

Holy shit Ant ripping on Carly Fleischmann nearly made me piss my pants

it was a great 2 hours of radio. felt like old school shit . fawkin love Denny

when stuff like this happens, opie always tries to play super positive on twitter. it is predictable and quite hilarious. lil tidbit for yas

Share em if you could, I'm blocked

Is it me or has sam missed a lot of days? It might be a sign.

  • JSA show. Jim Sam and Anthony. Put Sam on the board and give him the role of shit-stirrer, while the two funny boys make with the laughs. Make it clear to Sam that he is, in fact, NOT THE BOSS and will not be protected as such (i.e.. Greggshells). He will catch a sound beating if he steps out of line. The show will be a resounding success and will force Sirius to restructure the channel AROUND the show...

  • Hire Gavin back to CM as a program developer/executive producer/part-owner. Gavin will generate new right-wing-ish content that can be aimed at the burgeoning wave of Generation Z's, who will more than likely be more conservative than their Millennial counterparts, while appealing to the existing autistic 4chan-millennial crowd. RESTRUCTURE CM FROM THE GROUND UP. He's the perfect person for that and can bring on people from dying networks (Rebel, etc) that would work with him to make that happen.

  • This part is important: Reduce Keith's role to executive producer on all shows and main owner (with Ant) on CM. Keep him away from having final say on business/creative issues, but don't keep him in the dark. Have him work with/report to Gavin and his people directly on matters with the channel. Shouldn't matter to Keith, because he still holds the lion's share of interest with the network, and stands to benefit the most (as does Ant) with the channel's success....

  • The newly focused CM may not have a place for The AA Show. That's fine. As the JSA show continues to enjoy success, Ant and Jim can cut a deal to bring Artie to the newly structured channel on Sirius. More than likely, it'll pay more for him and will relieve Ant of the burden of dipping into his own pockets to keep Artie. From there, make him the 4th mic on the JSA show, while giving him his own vehicle on the JSA channel. Personally, I've always thought an ARTIE AND RON BENNINGTON combination works better than a Ant and Ron combination. An "Artie and Ron Show" would be an extremely strong following for the JSA show, and would most likely equal JSA in popularity. Keep Gail on to keep the geezers in check (even though she can be hole-y, she's not as bad as what we've heard on other shows).

  • Don't make Gavin a personality on CM. Instead; BRING HIM TO SIRIUS and give him The Gavin Mcinnes Show on the platform, maybe for the afternoon drive. Let him be as wild as is possible (that Sirius will allow). His show would be the perfect fit in the trifecta block of the JSA Sirius channel.

  • Keep Jason Ellis and Covino and Rich (if you want, I'm sure they're contracted anyway). If they want to leave, then replace them with the former CM talent that got let go with the hypothetical CM re-structuring: Davey Mac, Pat Dixon, etc. Davey and Pat might have an interesting show together, who knows. Maybe it would be in line with whatever was on the Virus channel back in the day, except this time you won't have an Opie character actively undermining the shows on the platform from doing well. Possibly bring back some itineration of The Black Phillips show with Talib Starks or something. I dunno, I never listened to anything else on Virus besides O&A.

  • Optional: Mike Bocchetti and Bobo thrown somewhere in there, maybe occasionally.

I totally think your on to something here. JAS show sounds great with gavin

And an Ron and Artie show. It would be a slam dunk.

Denny had a good line that I think the room missed, Anthony says "what is it about autistic people and fucked up teeth", Denny says "did they work here" (Opie)


Denny shitting on Opie was great, but even Ari Shaffir knew Opie was an asshole.

Carl's a "wacky guy" who wants a TV show, and sees Opie as his best chance. Honestly, though - even with Opie's total lack of a career or pull in the industry, he's still probably Carl's best shot.