after listening to the show today I am starting to get the feeling Ant and Jim have a issue with Opie

62  2017-11-20 by Dennyislife


nopie shows rule!

Do ya?

Are ya?

Will ya?

Jah fuck ah!?

Would ya?

Have ya?


Leave it alone.

Perhaps more than that Denny


No, I think they all remain on good terms.


LOL! :)


We don't go for baseless rumors around here.

Mmmmm we might have a few times

"a facebook show"

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed the extremely subtle jabs being thrown in the Opster's direction.

You're the only one that thought they were subtle.

Excuse me mister but you kind of missed the joke there.

Yeah that was borderline retarded.

There was no borderline about it.

You're a legitimate imbecile.

It's "an" issue not "a" issue you fucking dimwit.

*An issue.

Ya kiddin!

He's long gone, so it's just sad for them to obsessed by Opie at this point. It just shows they're still living under the shadow of their former glory days when Opie ran the show.

Opie made some comments about ant over the weekend so i think Ant was annoyed.

He didn't say anything bad. He just said that because of the shots that were made against him he declined Keith's offer for an O&A reunion, but thanked him for trying. If Ant is annoyed by that then it just shows what a little bitch he is.

The 'shots' were not particularly harsh Ant can give & take jibes Opie cannot deal with them. Opie is the little bitch here.

Anthony threatened to have this subreddit shut down. He cannot take jibes.

Opie never did anything like that.

I don't think the jibes are the problem ant had with the subreddit

For a bunch of people who love bashing the shit out of others, you're sure treading in dangerous ground with the Reddit TOS. Some of these titles could be seen as bullying. Hate to see you lose your playground here for "hate speech".

  • Tough Skinned Anthony Cumia

Yeah well I did call him a fag...

Shots?!?! Anything said about that delusional tit bag has been accurate while also being humorous. If he can't take a joke then fuck him. Let him continue to embarrass himself with his Facebook videos rather than grasping the last life line he will ever have the talentless coat tail rider

Your opinions fucking suck

Then the truth sucks.

You are an Opie supporter, you cannot be an arbiter of truth

I'm not supporting Opie. I'm just pointing the fact that when they were successful Opie was running the show, and now that he is not running the show none of them are successful. That wouldn't be such a bad thing, but their reminiscing about the old days or taking shots at Opie just reinforces the fact that none of them have been able to make it on their own.

Anthony has his own gig yet still whines about how good he had it at Sirius.

Running the show the same way a retard runs in the special Olympics.

There are still 3 retards holding medals at the end of it thinking they accomplished something.

Yup they are all winners.

Naw they are giving the fans what they want and addressing the elephant in the room. Ant may suck, but Opie sucks so much more

You're right. Opie is needed in the show. People don't like to hear the truth or lack the intelligence to look at things from a different perspective.

Will ya?
