Ari Shaffir sucks

0  2017-11-20 by [deleted]



Would you rather have dick receptacles and sweaty fight men?

Over a jew comedian who claims to be funny; yes.

Did Ari beat up Bobby Lee.

they could have had colin

Bob Kelly or Rich Vos? Is this 2012? Seriously, the show today is okay, and with Bob or Vos there too all they would talk about is the past.

Shut your face!

I still kinda like Vos because he understands what he's there to do, I was never a big Bob Kelly fan he's kinda self involved and sensitive

I likw them both, but they've been enough on the show already.

hate him too. Never makes me laugh with his beady, lasik eyes.

He just took a Opie shot. I like him now.

Ari's okay. He's not as good as the tough crowd guys obviously but he's still decent to listen to.

nope, he should have been shoah'd

Neurotic Arrogant Jews aren't funny period. Dave Smith, Ari, Marc Maron, Andy Kindler, all cunts.

The only good Jews are Larry David and Brother Nathanael

Whatever happened to Brother Theodore?

Probably running around with those other little muuugs Alvin and Simon.

Those Amazing Racist videos he used to do were some of the hackiest, faux-edgy, staged horseshit on the web. "Look! He's wearing a Klan outfit! How are those black people who are in on the joke going to react?"

he's the definition of obnoxious jew with a chip on his shoulder.



He went to Thailand alone. That can't be good.

He is so unnaturally funny, it is painful. He actually has to strain at being funny, and he isn't even really good at that.
