<--Number of people that would prefer Ant and Jim to Jim and Sam

156  2017-11-20 by JoeCumiaSr



I'm pretty sure even Sam realises this. I'd prefer Jim and a cardboard cut out of Ant to Jim & Sam.

I want Sam to go back to his old persona. Instigating behind the scenes and feeding Bobo lines.

Or just stay over with that wrestling shit

send him packing to WWE and slam the door behind him

Good buy Sam! good bye sam!

It's a bittersweet thing when I see people posting about WWE fans tweeting about how much Sam stinks.

On one hand, fuck Sam and I'm glad he has an opportunity to get close to having his dream of working for the WWE within reach, only to be told by wrestling fans, the only fans he respects, how completely unfit he is for the profession he so badly wants.

On the other hand, it means he's stuck with Jim for now and won't go away.

I don't. I want him off the radio and not involved, because when he was the producer he would hinder bits and fumble simple tasks.

I liked him better when he was interning for scorch. He never added anything interesting to the show. Even jabs thrown at him sucked because unlike Erock, Sam giggled and didn't care. Ant telling a story about getting lost driving his mother in law home is more entertaining than Sam telling a story about his land lord acting like Norman Bates.

muh shitstirrer muh behind the scenes


He sucks, he's going to continue sucking, he sucked then too.

No he didn't

I see. Well Maybe in 5 or 10 more years of the J&S show they'll find their groove and the show will be good.

I don't think they will and I would prefer Sam being publicly executed to the current situation

shameless attempt to get upvotes

I hate this shit.

Yeah what are ya looking in the mirror or sumthin

but lets upvote the 540th "upboat is how many pizzas amy schumer just ate" thread

I always downvote these on principle, even if I agree with the premise, which I do in this case.

You're an honorable man.

<--Number of dumb cunt karma whores trying to get upvotes.


Hammer time!

Would it be too insulting to put Sam back as an intern? At least his pay would make more sense.

Oh it's the faggot whoring for upvotes. Just fucking off yourself already.

Hahaha. Whoring for upvotes. Hey everyone give me an upvote if you support the troops!

Just fucking off yourself

tssss hes a fawking lightswitch or sumpting



This should be the top rated post of all time

Jesus Christ, what a pandering faggot OP is. And of course the resident tards lap it up every time.

Literally no one with a brain and a sense of humor would prefer J&S over Ant & Jim and you knew that.

Jesus Christ, what a monumental faggot OP is. I hate that these pandering topics work every time on you tards. Literally no one with a brain and a sense of humor would prefer J&S over Ant & Jim and you knew that.


<---- Number of people who think you should kill yourself immediately.

Stop whoring for upvotes you fruit

can we find a way to punish people who do these Number-of-people posts.

The only suitable punishment is murder. I've backtraced the OP and he lives next door to you and also called you a fag in his private imagehur account.

It's all true.



No he didn't