The Walking dead is a show for babies.

46  2017-11-20 by TinKnockinMoroccan



show sucks season 1 was good, mostly its shit since then

I checked out after season 2, but there's no way anything since has topped the pilot.

yea theres been a few high points, the sucidal blonde girl was pretty good there was that episode where beth is in that hospital was really good but then there those 50 other shitty episodes.

Still miss Beth :/ would bury my face in her asshole anytime

yea she's attractive, what full lives we live.

Its a guilty pleasure soap type show now for me


Well sam proudly hates it and loves wrestling so i think im probably doing the right thing

Somehow, no.

it never seems like it's gonna end.

It's not. The comic writer said he'll never end the book. AMC will have to be forced to cancel it cause it does football numbers on cable.

It's one thing for a comic not to end - Batman and Superman have been going nearly 80 years.

But a show? At some point they get stale. Simpsons mainly have, SNL fucking blows, and at some point that Supernatural show is going to be starring geriatrics. Be like Seinfeld - end it before it gets bad.

It will be canceled eventually. Average viewership peaked at season 5 and has been going down since then.

I would've remembered the show well if it ended after season 1. Season 2 was such a drag I stopped watching completely after that.

When 5% of the strongest, most glorious nation in the history of existence is watching an awful, cheesedick zombie show at the same time, a cleansing fire is needed to purge the undergrowth of that society.

The walking dead is for 14 year old girls who think Daryl is bae.

Well he certainly is something that rhymes with that! Ho ho ho

I don't get it

hes very meh

It was written by a fag who admits he has never seen a zombie movie and doesn't like the horror genre. What did you expect?

Are you saying we should rape and murder robert kirkman?

If that's what you want to do, i won't stop you. I simply stopped watching it. But hey, have at it

I think this technically is considered collusion when the police start investigating the crime.

....The real monsters are the people

Such a bold take on the genre, that definitely had NOT been covered repeatedly in nearly 50 years of post-Romero zombie flicks.

The writers for this show are simply the worst.

I can't fucking stand that show and grown men discussing episodes like its some spanish soap opera.

I love to hate-watch it to see how fucking retarded this show gets. The writers for the show have to be the dumbest motherfuckers in the entertainment business.

The writers for the show have to be the dumbest motherfuckers in the entertainment business.

Got an example? I've never seen the show. I enjoy a good hate watch

I also hate watch the show. The new main bad guy for the last 3 seasons has the worst plot armor I've ever seen. Everyone wants to kill him. Almost everyone in Ricks crew (including Rick) has had at least once chance to kill him no problem but they all either fail or inexplicably don't even use the opportunity to kill him. And that's only one of a hundred problems with the show. The writing is terrible. The acting is all over the place from great to abysmal. It's a shit show which is why it's somewhat fun to watch.

The characters talk like how no human would ever talk, non-sensical shit happens like characters acting incredibly stupid or being invincible because they are too popular among the fans, unbelievable character motivations.

The newest season is really fucking bad, considering that it's one of the most popular shows out there and has a high budget, it looks like a fanmade film. Gun slides don't open when they fire and don't expel bullet casings, assault rifles have no recoil except the few times the actors try to simulate it - but it looks fucking ridiculous, and all of the gunfire and impact effects look like the default effects in After Effects. It looks incredibly fucking shitty now that this season everyone is at "war" and every other scene is a firefight.

Faggoty show...

YMS covers season 1 and 2 pretty well.

you're the baby -Iris

I'm just reminded of when Danny Ross thought he was badass for knowing what's going to happen in the show because he read the comics first, and anyone who didn't read them is a fucking idiot.



it's a soap opera with zombies

To write a post like this, you'd have to be very familiar with this gay shoe yourself

It really is quite possibly the worst show ever made. Every time I watch it it seems to get exponentially shittier and cheesier as time goes on. This seasons premiere episode actually made me uncomfortable with how god awful it was

I like the comic

Nerd and gay

Gay and nerd*


The writing took a nose dive a few seasons back; Kirkman knows he still has millions of fans that'll stockpile Walking Dead merch/comics/blu rays not to mention they have very successful conventions all over the country that pull in big money so i don't really think logic and storyline is his priority anymore unfortunately. I still watch it in hopes they do justice to some of the stuff that happens further down the line in the comic books but to say I'm confident in that would be untrue.

they have very successful conventions all over the country

wtf, really? A convention for the show itself or comic con?

It's a convention for the show itself, similar to a comic con. They have merch booths not limited to Walking Dead stuff, Q&A panels, meet and greets, etc.


I gave up on it when the black girl shows up with a pouty look on her face every episode being silent and trying to act cool with a samurai sword. The writing is atrocious.

I gave up after the first season. I love zombie stuff, but I want it to be realistic. I'm more interested in the survival aspect, not a day time tv drama that's all about relationships and characters that constantly act like idiots. The Road + zombies would be great, with almost nothing major happening each episode.

It's probably the worst scripted show on television.

Season after season of nothing really ever happening, and the characters and situations are some of the dumbest, nonsensical piles of horseshit to ever infect a TV screen.

Season 1 was pretty good. Its been through several showrunners so its really one of the most inconsistent shows ever made. It wouldn't be so bad if AMC didn't make the seasons so long. There's way too much filler.

How the hell did they stretch this show out to 8 seasons? That's at least 2 seasons longer than The Sopranos, The Wire, or Breaking Bad. But I'm sure it's as well written and complex as those shows, right?

I watched it up until the beginning of season 4 or 5, I stuck with it and hated every moment of it. They had a single good episode, the one-off where they found that black guy from way near the beginning of the series.

I actually would argue babies lack the cognitive abilities needed to follow this show. I believe the target demographic is young adults

The show went downhill after the Hunters arc at the beginning of season 5.

I stopped watching after that publicity stunt they pulled at the end of season 6.

It's a soap opera formula. It somehow makes you think it's going to get better even though it never does. I just finished Season 7. Sixteen of the dullest episodes of TV you can imagine, most of which I had to re-watch because I slept through them. I kept pressing through, and was rewarded by the climax of a fucking CGI tiger attacking one of the nameless bad guys. I should be killed.

Tapped out forever when they did the fake-out death with the Asian guy behind the dumpster. That will forever go down as the dumbest, televised event I've ever seen. Couple that with the fact of the show having no discernible end game and bailing on it became a necessity. To this day I hear many agonizing about how terrible it is and nobody will do the logical thing and simply change the channel.

Remember when ppl would debate what was the better show breaking bad vs walking dead

Such a bold take on the genre, that definitely had NOT been covered repeatedly in nearly 50 years of post-Romero zombie flicks.

The writers for this show are simply the worst.

Still miss Beth :/ would bury my face in her asshole anytime

When 5% of the strongest, most glorious nation in the history of existence is watching an awful, cheesedick zombie show at the same time, a cleansing fire is needed to purge the undergrowth of that society.