They cancelled Louis' set on this

30  2017-11-20 by Lilcumia


When will Jon Stewart hang himself?

I know he will someday

he should do it with Opi on facebook pop-up show.

It would go viral.

The comments for this on HBO's Facebook page are brutal


The comments here are worse.

i cant recall ever seeing so many eunuchs in one room

What do you think your fucking smarter than me?

Maybe, maybe not. Maybe fuck yourself. My theory on Feds is they're like mushrooms. Feed em shit, and keep em in the dahhhk.

this stinks

It was somewhat okay up until that unfunny racist hack cunt samantha bee chimed in

I couldn't shut it off fast enough when that cunt face of hers showed up. 2 of the other 3 are naturally funny. If you say they're not you're just making yourself feel better because of your gay politics. But that lump of shit is the absolute worst. Opie level awful.

Honestly I'd say she's like way way below even Opie level. You can tell she hates everything that's male and white and you just wanna strangle her to death on the spot. Opie is whatever but she actually makes my blood boil

They're different types of awful. Opie has made my blood boil 5000 as many times. The difference is, with him it's unintentional. This twat is just another unfunny political troll, who just makes people on her side think they're laughing when really all they're doing is jeering hatefully, and who enragingly got a massive endorsement from Louis.

Colbert hasn't been funny in years. He doesn't even put in effort. His show now is nothing like it was.

It's been years since I watched anything he did so I won't doubt it. He was good for a pretty long time though.

It's not about putting in effort. He stopped doing a character that everyone loved, and starting being his boring unfunny self.

Right? It wasn't even live. Pre-recorded dreck

Was going to comment the exact same thing. The running bit was to at least be somewhat self effacing. As lame as they are now, it was cool to see Stewart and Colbert doing their old schtick together.

As soon as the girl shows up, you can feel the vibe of the whole thing change. yuck


this isnt funny guys

Huh. When you take anything thought-provoking or controversial out of comedy, it sucks. Who would have predicted that?

I... don't even know what to fuckin' say about this.

They basically accept that they are all terrible. They are all mocking their shtick. They are almost saying they have no shame, and they view their shows like someone would if they were aiming for children.

Not everyone can be as good as the comedy cellar table. Such a high bar to attain to.

The big tell that's all a fucking show is when Jon Stewart retired, he literally was on WWE the next day-- fucking wrestling.

Man, these guys can really sell some shit

Elitist dicks pretending they ain't, love it man


What happened to Colbert??

I guess they figured there would already be enough masturbation on stage without Lous.

I happened to see this today and holy shit it was not funny at all.

I would have paid good money to have Louie stand there and jerk off instead.

These two useless shitloafs were funny on terrestrial TV? Nobody watches that shit anymore. Artifacts from the past.