364000 twitter followers/bots This is the fan reaction to his show. Tepid is too strong.

38  2017-11-19 by Dennyislife


This moron will continue doing his gay selfie stick pop up shows, but can't just start a podcast?

That's because he has an autistic obsession with cellphone videos and things going "viral". He thinks that doing the shows randomly in public will make them seem organic and interesting, clinging to the hope that people will recognize him and shout positive things at him or he'll film some wacky antics and finally hit those numbahs. He wants so badly for people to wonder when the next pop up show will be, hoping they can catch it and be a part of the magic, but the reality is that nobody gives a fuck and he's just a mentally ill asshole walking around with a phone on a stick.

I also think that he thinks he's being "different and unique" and not just another podcast. He knows he doesn't have enough talent to stand out and be successful in podcasting. He's not interesting, he's not creative and he's certainly not funny. He knows enough to know he will fail and it will be embarrassing. He's avoiding that at all costs. When this inevitably fails he can say "I tried something different" "people didn't get it" "it will be the future".

That's a solid point. He really is stupid enough to try to spin him rambling into a phone as a daring new medium that people just don't get yet.

A podcast is too "static" for the Opester. He's an old school radio guy from where it went out live and if you missed it, your loss.

He's been doing it since he was 18, in case you didn't know that, brotherman.


SkyX5: " I hope it ends with a gunshot"

Those 12 likes and 4 retweets made his pathetic day

I'm actually surprised at how much action he gets on his Facebook fan page.

Facebook is for dumber people, then Twitter, then Reddit

Opie hate increases in that order

Why do you people keep giving this cockwomble attention?

Post a screenshot and the thread will get 5x the comments, we're all blocked and too lazy to logout to check on tits.

Not in it for the karma baybee

His reluctance to appear on any real platform is caused by one thing only, let’s please stop pretending it’s anything else. It’s fear. He’s afraid of getting trashed. Let’s not overthink this, he’s not trying to reinvent anything or establish a new medium or show how unique he is. He won’t go on Compound media, for example, because he knows he’ll get phone calls, he’ll get trashed by the other hosts, he knows what’s coming if he shows his face. He blew off Race Wars for the same reason and only did phoners with Anthony also for the same reason. It’s why he won’t show up to any events, why he won’t go to benefits, why he won’t show up on other people’s radio shows, he’s afraid of the fanbase he created. You people won and don’t even realize it.