For all the shit he gets here, Joe Rogan can be pretty fucking great sometimes...

4  2017-11-19 by WhippingHuskies

He just tweeted

about a #Elsagate, a story that's starting to hit the wire involving human rights watchdog Youtube's inexplicable mass pedo network which has been taken fire for years now. I know he's annoying, but Joe is easily amongst the most reliable, realest of celebs. The dude definitely has some courage, give him that much at least you bastards.


Joe rogan da perfect example uh closet homo. Check it fam he b dreamin uh da BBC all day fam.

Joe Rogan will tweet about this but when Alex Jones starts talking about the interdimensional shape shifting reptilian archons that control reality, he's silent

The thing is there's no evidence for the most bombastic of conspiracy theories, but the elite pedophile ring conspiracy has a saturation of unbelievable evidence. Plus Joe does often criticize Alex and a lot of conspiracy shit, he's eviscerated Eddie Bravo multiple times on air, and has actually gotten pissed at him, saying how people like him turn a lot of people off to perfectly believable conspiracies because of their refusal to believe anything is a consequence of chance or circumstance.

Are we talking about Joe "Bigfoot is real and the moon landing was faked mahhhn" Rogan?

He's backtracked on both those issues since awhile now. H e actually did some research on the topics, and publicly stated how stupid he looked.

Corgan confirmed it

Don't midgets' hearts usually explode his age?

He may be pushing his luck. The little engine that could/not

Even though Joe is irritating and tiring with his lazy Susan of conversation topics you can tell he's genuine. Which is more than you can say about Jim "it's tough man" Norton.

Yea, that's what I respect about Joe. He's aggravating as fuck at times, but the dude is sincere and his heart's in the right place most of the time.

With this kind of courage, he now absolutely represents the lollipop guild.

lollipop guild

No entiendo?

wizard of oz cocksucka


He speaks for all the touched munchkins out there that might not understand what happened to them or are to scared to talk. As any responsible adult munchkin with that kind of reach should.

Shhhuuureee. He's a big ole tattle tale, ain't he? shhhhuuureee he is.

I watched this video the other day and it only had about 30,000 views. Really goes to show how big Rogan's audience is.

Can he?

Jamie did a good job looking the videos up for him.

Shhhuuureee. He's a big ole tattle tale, ain't he? shhhhuuureee he is.