Then and now

136  2017-11-19 by pplassm



Cow & Chicken

The shit social media meme posting here by 3rd world faggots has to end

Motion to include any members of The Commonwealth and Great Britain in that category as well

it's already happened, if not officially.

My wife thought this was hilarious. Even women hate Big Amy.

Not your, she just wants to be the cool chick. Fuck her. I hate your wife!

I might be able to hear you better if you take your husband's cock out of your mouth.

Did you flush your xm down the toilet and fuck your mother?

Let me guess. You come from a non-English speaking country.

I do, but that doesn't change the fact that you tried to brag about your desperate for male acceptance wife expecting everyone to tell you how lucky you are.

You misunderstood. I am simply telling YOU that I am superior to you. Now take a nickel and shine my shoes.

You're a double murder suicide waiting to happen.

Why? Did your sister forget to have the abortion?

I was really hoping this was going to keep going until infinity

I was willing, but my immigrant friend ran out of English.

I'll take things your wife would never say for a 100

True, she would never have a mongrel immigrant for a friend.

I guess you ran back to r/incels where you belong

god that must hurt her spirit poor dear!

better eat the pain away

Goldies aged well, I wonder what kind of special lotion she's been using all these years.


Kurt Russell's adventure filled loads.

How did that movie do anyway?


Goldie Hawn sucks. She's a midget with no tits and did terrible movies.

I do, but that doesn't change the fact that you tried to brag about your desperate for male acceptance wife expecting everyone to tell you how lucky you are.

Why? Did your sister forget to have the abortion?