So without giving too much away, I do occasional voice acting and am currently working on a script where I am to sound like an elderly Jewish woman. Unfortunately, the lines are coming out like Porsalin’s version of Joe Matarese! This ain’t good, my droogies, I only have three days to nail this.

1  2017-11-19 by Osama_Bin_Log_in


Just do Helen Bergeron but older

Im good until I get to a couple of lines that just scream Joe though. It’s not the whole thing.

Shut up faggot.

You’re going to give me a complex saying that. There, there’s some jewy guilt for you.

Go method and hop in the oven.

try method acting and sit in a oven for a couple hours.

give us some credits

what else have you worked on, love?

Debbie does Dachua.

I worked with this guy. He does the pillsbury dough boy.