How does this subreddit feel about the New Punisher Netflix show? Is it as awful as the new Justice League movie?

3  2017-11-19 by disawayisthrows



All comic book/ super hero stuff is shit. The dark knight is perhaps the one film of that genre that is watchable the rest is total dreck.

Wow, you're usually so cheerful, I had to double check the username..

Sorry. Its brilliant. The same storyline of goodies v baddies isn't at all boring past 8 years old. The moment everything goes really really bad but then at the end the good guys unite to win ALWAYS surprises me. Its not at all like a Jacky rom com.

But it's like a hacky rom com with capes.

Agreed. Star Wars, Marvel and DC and their man children fanboys can go pound sand.

No the other two Batman films are shit.

At first I thought you were a peer, an intellectual. Now you're coming off as retarded as that whore Mary Jean. The first was the best of the series, followed by the Dark Knight then TDKR.

No. Total dog shit. Even the dark knight is nonsense but nonsense can be enjoyable.

Even the Dark Night is only watchable while the Joker is on the screen.

Im enjoying it so far. Couple episodes in. They've actually shown Punishers ultra violence well for the first time.

Watching it now, so far so good.

I enjoyed the Punisher Netflix show. It is violent and harsh like Punisher should be.

I'm on episode 7 and enjoying it so far. Not a comic book movie guy at all but it's quite dark, violent and well done.

I don't understand how people like it

Only watched like the first 3 episodes since they are each an hour long, but I’m enjoying it.

It’s far & away the best iteration of the Punisher yet; they’re 0 for 3 on the movies. This is a well made series, and I love Jon Bernthal to fuckin death.

My issue STILL isn’t the comic book brought to life. Bernthal is too human. The guy that played Frank in that terrible War Zone movie has been the best Punisher yet; that dude came across as legit dead inside. This series is too convoluted and far reaching. I wish it was simpler & more episodic; no season long storylines. Frank talks too much here and has too much of a heart. It needs to be way more like Mel Gibson in Road Warrior, or Eastwood in Unforgiven.

I hope Jigsaw makes an appearance sometime, he was my favorite & they fuckin Joel Schumacher’d him in War Zone. It was embarrassing.

Punisher War Zone was the best Punisher thing ever made.

What are you like 7 you like movies where a guy wears a cape?

Same problem all the other Netflix Marvel shows have, not enough action and too many dose characters.