Reminder. Jimmy stopped talking about his boyfriend when we worked out which cam whore it was

40  2017-11-19 by Dennyislife

Hiya Jimmy.


I don't think I'm telling tales out of school when I say that Jimmy might have a sexual screw loose. Falling in love with transsexual prostitutes who he undoubtedly pays to defecate on him, isn't the model of a healthy libido.

Kink shaming only happens to men, stop it.

He could have picked a nice conservative, girlie looking tranny like Sue, but i guess he has a thing for shturmtruppen cheekbones and Adam's apples that cut glass


Jim does not want a "girlie looking tranny". He wants a big strong man to hold him tight (and also to shit on his chest). But he's not quite ready to admit that, so dating a man in a wig and convincing himself it's a girl is a way around that.

Who? What'd I miss?

Exactly, he was so proud of his freak.

well who was it faggot


Jim does not want a "girlie looking tranny". He wants a big strong man to hold him tight (and also to shit on his chest). But he's not quite ready to admit that, so dating a man in a wig and convincing himself it's a girl is a way around that.